Champlain College Hits Third Place on Campus Tweet

Professors encourage students to be active on social media sites

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Elaine Young of Champlain College talks to a group of accepted students at Champlain College about using social media to stay in touch.

BURLINGTON, VT (04/13/2010)(readMedia)-- Champlain College, located in Burlington, Vermont, has been nationally ranked third place on Campus Tweet, a website that enables students, faculty, staff and alumni with a central web location to follow all tweets made by those affiliated with the campus.

The Champlain College profile is found on the homepage of displaying the college's top tweeters. The hash tag #CampChamp sends tweets to the centralized location. Jackie Cooper, a senior in Marketing, says she finds Campus Tweet to be a useful resource. "It unites the college and gives students a place to find each other online and check out what they are up to," she said.

Cooper is utilizing Twitter to access the job market. "I use Twitter to network with potential employers about job openings," She said. "I also use Twitter to learn about new trends and tips from professionals in the ever-evolving marketing industry."

Twitter has created a unique forum for students and faculty to connect in an in-depth and personal manner in, of course, 140 characters.

Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Marketing Elaine Young uses Twitter as a key element in her teaching methods. Young has 1,996 followers, and a majority of them are her students, whom she asks to tweet during lectures and events. Young's enthusiasm about Twitter has definitely contributed to the college's high ranking. "My students are learning about one of the most useful and cost-effective marketing tools out there," she said.

Champlain College's Campus Tweet page can be found at

Champlain College, founded in 1878, offers a distinctive educational approach to professionally focused majors, developing life skills and leadership based on critical and creative thinking. It has nearly 2,000 campus-based undergraduate students on campus and is ranked in the top tier of Best Baccalaureate Colleges in the North by 2010 America's Best Colleges, published by U.S. News & World Report.

To learn more about Champlain College, visit

By Amanda Petry ' 11 / Champlain College News