Common Cause/NY Urges NYC Dept. of Investigations To Probe NYPD Leadership Following Commissioner Resignation

NYPD Commissioner's decision to step down is good step - but given multiple federal inquiries into key officials, DOI must exercise its statutory authority to better understand whether NYPD is serving New Yorkers or enriching its leadership

NEW YORK, NY (09/12/2024) (readMedia)-- Today, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban announced his resignation one week after federal investigators raided his home and those of several other top Adams administration officials. Given the severity and sheer number of ongoing investigations, Common Cause/NY Executive Director Susan Lerner issued the following statement urging the NYC Department of Investigations to launch its own probe into whether NYPD leadership is illegally enriching themselves at the expense of properly serving the people of New York.

"Commissioner Caban's decision to resign is an unfortunate but necessary step given the ongoing investigations into his conduct as Commissioner of the NYPD. But the allegations against key members of the Adams administration and the NYPD are deeply troubling, and if true, represent a shocking betrayal of the public trust. While we reserve judgment on the merits of the allegations pending the results of the investigation, there is no doubt that the appearance of misconduct and repeated reports that misconduct is not addressed internally raises questions that the public deserves answers to about the integrity of taxpayer funded, civic institutions like the NYPD. The NYC Department of Investigations has broad authority to investigate corruption, government misconduct, and abuses of power in city government - separate and apart from the criminal authority of the FBI – and Common Cause/NY urges Commissioner Jocelyn Stauber to use her statutory powers accordingly. New Yorkers deserve to have full confidence in the institution charged with keeping us all safe."