Common Cause/NY on NYSBOE's Vote on Ballot Proposals

NEW YORK, NY (07/29/2024) (readMedia)-- Today, the New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) voted on the final ballot language for the 2024 November ballot. Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY put out the following statement:

"People need to be able to go into the polls and understand exactly what they're voting on. That's the purpose of the plain language bill. Overly complex language and legalese makes it unnecessarily hard. We maintain that the language approved today violates the spirit and intent of the law and we're looking into possible legal recourse."

Common Cause/NY spearheaded the push for the Plain Language Bill, which requires that any language on a ballot be at an 8th grade reading level or lower so voters can easily understand the text. The NYSBOE voted on language today that is above that level.