IRVING, TX (01/08/2018) The University of Dallas proudly announces that Father Michael Patella, O.S.B., professor of the New Testament and seminary rector at Saint John's University School of Theology and Seminary, will deliver the Ann & Joe O. Neuhoff School of Ministry's 19th annual Landregan Lecture, titled "Catholic Biblical Tradition: Ancient & Postmodern."
Using "The Saint John's Bible" as a model, and utilizing visual examples from science, art, archaeology, and pop culture, Father Patella will display how the Catholic tradition is well-poised for the new evangelization well beyond our current century. The lecture will take place on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. in the Church of the Incarnation on the University of Dallas' Irving campus.
"At the University of Dallas, we seek to transform and shape our students through a commitment to the Catholic tradition," said Neuhoff School of Ministry Dean Theodore Whapham. "We are honored to welcome Father Patella as this year's featured Landregan Lecturer as he discusses issues of truth, faith and the interpretation of God's word for the new Evangelization."
"While it may sometimes appear that Catholics lack biblical literacy, especially when compared to other Christian denominations, the truth is that the Catholic tradition of history, art and culture have informed both Catholics and non-Catholics alike about the Bible in very exciting ways," said Father Patella, who also serves as director of the Holy Land studies program.
As a monk of Saint John's Abbey, Patella serves as chairman on the Committee of Illumination and Text for "The Saint John's Bible." His book "Word and Image: the Hermeneutics of 'The Saint John's Bible'" addresses the theology, art and interpretation of "The Saint John's Bible."
Currently writing on the Gospel of Luke for the "New Jerome Biblical Commentary," Patella has previously written on the Gospels of Luke, Acts, Paul and Mark, as well as on biblical angels and demons. He serves as a member of the Catholic Biblical Association and Society of Biblical Literature; holds a license in sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome; and holds a doctorate in sacred Scripture from the École Biblique et Archéologique Française in Jerusalem.
About the Landregan Lecture
The University of Dallas Landregan Lecture brings to Dallas/Fort Worth nationally prominent figures whose areas of expertise reflect the many interests that have animated alumnus Steven T. Landregan throughout his distinguished, now retired, career of service to the Catholic Church in North Texas.
About the Neuhoff School of Ministry
The University of Dallas Ann & Joe O. Neuhoff School of Ministry fosters personal growth, professional ministry and transformative service to the Catholic Church, the broader Christian community and the world. Undergraduate, graduate and continuing education courses taught by nationally recognized faculty are conveniently offered online, onsite and in satellite locations. Its online graduate theology programs were recently named the nation's best by For more information, visit
About the University
The University of Dallas, located in a metropolitan area of nearly 7 million people, is a leading Catholic university widely recognized for academic excellence by well-known publications, organizations and accrediting bodies. It offers distinctive undergraduate and graduate programs in the liberal arts, business and ministry that are characterized by academic rigor, an exceptional faculty and a commitment to shaping principled leaders in the Catholic intellectual tradition. For more information, visit