Emerson College students participated in Emerson Stage's NewFest: Short Works, a festival of short plays written, directed, and performed by Emerson College students, performed March 8 and 9 in the Semel Theatre in Boston, MA.
Plays featured: What If, written by Althea Champion and directed by Brenda Huggins, Eternity 5, written by Madison Mondeaux and directed by Allison Taaffe, Biscotti, written by Rose Hanish and directed by Hannah Nilsson, The Rock, written by Jillian Hetherman and directed by Zach Fuller, Geese, Not Gooses, written by Jackson Bailey
and directed by Jake Tolentino, Recollection - The Magnus Archives Adaptation, written by Alex Goldman and directed by Josh O'Brien, Plans/Places, written by Kimstelle Merisma and directed by Sofia Lindgren Galloway, and That Feeling, written by Fatima Jafar and directed by Kandyce Whittingham.