Engineering Team Creates Road Solution for Zimbabwe Mission Hospital

CEDARVILLE, OHIO - Moving earth for heaven's sake is the purpose of a team of Cedarville University engineering students. The students are going beyond the classroom to build a custom-made earth mover that will equip a hospital in Zimbabwe to keep its roads accessible and its doors open to those in need.

Nearly two years ago, Cedarville's School of Engineering launched a senior design project to create an affordable, tractor-mounted earth mover for Karanda Mission Hospital. Now, a new team of students is bringing that vision to life, planning to complete and deliver the machine to the hospital by the end of May.

Karanda Mission Hospital serves the physical and spiritual needs of Zimbabwe's northwest region. Due to the hospital's remote location away from heavily populated areas, reliable road access is critical. During Zimbabwe's rainy season, dirt roads leading to the hospital are often washed away, severely impacting Karanda's ability to provide care.

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