HAMPDEN-SYDNEY, VA (05/09/2012)(readMedia)-- At Final Convocation on April 26, Hampden-Sydney College senior Everton Nascimento Batista received the William R. Hendley Award in Economics, presented by Dr. Justin P. Isaacs '95, Associate Professor of Economics. This award is presented to the senior economics major who, in the judgment of the department, has gained the greatest benefit from his major.
A Davis Fellow, Everton is a member of the Student Body Senate, the Society of 1791 (leadership program), the Pre-Business Society, the Garnet & Grey Society, the Soccer Club, and the Rugby Club. He writes for The Hampden-Sydney Tiger, the school's newspaper. An economics and commerce major, Everton graduated from St. Stephens & St. Agnes School and is the son of Mr. Louis A. Masochini of Alexandria.
A private college for men, Hampden-Sydney is ranked in the top tier of liberal arts colleges by U.S. News & World Report. The College is known for its liberal arts curriculum, the Honor Code which stresses individual and collective responsibility, and a focus on the needs of young men.