Governor announces appointment of Donald E. Houser Jr. to LHU Council of Trustees

Appointment is confirmed by Senate

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Donald E. Houser Jr.

LOCK HAVEN, PA (04/04/2012)(readMedia)-- Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has announced the most recent appointment to the Lock Haven University Council of Trustees. The Pennsylvania State Senate has confirmed the appointment of Donald E. Houser Jr. for a six-year term.

Upon his appointment, Mr. Houser said, "It is indeed a pleasure to serve Lock Haven University, its administration, faculty, students and alumni as a member of the Council of Trustees."

Mr. Houser is Director, Northeast State and Local Affairs for Dominion Resources, Inc., in Harrisburg, Pa.  Dominion Resources is one of the nation's largest producers and transporters of energy.  Mr. Houser oversees all aspects of Dominion's state and local government affairs outreach efforts in Pennsylvania and New York, represents Dominion on various national, state and local trade and advocacy groups and organizations, and serves as Chairman of the Pennsylvania & New York Dominion Community Investment Board, a board of Dominion employees which allocates monetary donations from the Dominion Foundation to non-profit organizations.

From 1999-2008, Mr. Houser served as Chief of Staff in the Harrisburg office of State Senator Jake Corman, Majority Appropriations Chairman. He served from 1996-1998 as Field Representative, Bellefonte, for the Office of State Senator J. Doyle Corman.  Prior to that, he was District Manager for Cellular One in Lock Haven.

"Don brings to the Lock Haven University Council of Trustees a wealth of experience," said Council of Trustees Chair Guy Graham. "With Don's familiarity with the legislative process, he will be a great addition to the Council." Mr. Graham added, "I look forward to working with him."

Lock Haven University President Michael Fiorentino Jr. stated, "Don's service and his loyalty to his alma mater suit him ideally for the position of Trustee.  I commend him for his willingness to assume the duties of his appointment, and extend my personal thanks for serving the university in this new capacity."

Mr. Houser has a long record of community service.  He is a member of the Lock Haven Lions Club and BPOE, the Cumberland County Republican Committee, the Hampden Township Republican Caucus and Committee, and the Cumberland Valley Umpire Association and Youth Basketball Association.  He has also served on the Susquehanna Township GOP Committee, Recreation Advisory Committee, and Baseball Association. 

Mr. Houser has strong ties to both the Lock Haven community and the university. "I'm very proud of the community because Lock Haven is where I grew up, attended elementary school, high school and graduated from college," he said. Mr. Houser earned his B.A. in Political Science from Lock Haven University in 1994.  He added, "Lock Haven University is also the place where I met my wife, Mindy, class of 1995."  Don and Melinda Houser are the parents of two sons, Jackson and Sloan.

Lock Haven University is a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), the largest provider of higher education in the commonwealth.  Its 14 universities offer more than 250 degree and certificate programs in more than 120 areas of study.  Nearly 405,000 system alumni live and work in Pennsylvania.
