Griselda Escobar of Hardin-Simmons University Awarded Prestigious Addie Davis Award

ABILENE, TX (06/10/2011)(readMedia)-- Griselda Escobar, of Tyler, TX, received the prestigious Addie Davis Award for Pastoral Leadership presented by the national Baptist Women in Ministry organization. Escobar and her husband, Allan, have a 5-year-old son, Elijah. Allan will finish his master of arts in family ministry at Hardin-Simmons University during the summer.

"This is the first time that a Logsdon seminary student has received the award," said Dr. Robert Ellis, associate dean for Logsdon School of Theology.

He said Escobar received a certificate, a cash award and national recognition for the honor.

"Griselda is a conscientious student, very compassionate and concerned for others," Ellis said. "She is good at building relations with others. Griselda was an ideal seminary student."

Dr. Dan R. Stiver, Cook-Derrick Professor of Theology at HSU, had Escobar in several of his classes.

"Griselda brought a fresh perspective to the other students in class," he said. "She was raised in a quite conservative tradition but has been able to move to an affirmation of women in ministry in a way that does not depreciate her past or her cultural background."

In addition to her work in the hospital, she often assists with preaching and teaching at the church where her family attends.