Hamlin Resident Command Sergeant Major Marty Foos Moves to Position in Binghamton National Guard Battalion

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Command Sgt. Major Marty Foos

LATHAM, NY (03/13/2013)(readMedia)-- New York Army National Guard Command Sergeant Major Marty Foos, a Hamlin resident, has been selected as Command Sergeant Major of the Binghamton-based 204th Engineer Battalion.

Foos, who has served in the Army and the Army National Guard since 1982, works as an employee of the National Guard in civilian life, and recently returned from a deployment in Afghanistan where he helped coordinate the shipment of materials back to the United States.

Foos is also a veteran of the War in Iraq, where he served as an operations non-commissioned officer. His current assignment is Command Sergeant Major of the 427th Brigade Support Battalion.

A Command Sergeant Major is the top-ranking enlisted man in an Army organization, serving as an advisor to the commander on training, readiness, and morale.

Foos moves into his new job in October.

Foos served in the Active Army, in Berlin, Germany and in Korea from 1982 to 1986, when he joined the New York Army National Guard. He served in a variety of non-commissioned officer positions as a combat engineer.

He has responded to a number of state emergencies including the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. He is a graduate of the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy and holds a Degree in Optical Technology from Monroe Community College and a degree in Organizational Managements from Roberts Weslyan College.

He is married to Lauren Nevil-Foos.