DES MOINES, IA (09/07/2022) (readMedia)-- Young Cattle Company of Lexington, Ill., took home Grand Champion Horned Female in the Hereford Show judged at the 2022 Iowa State Fair.
Tyler Davisson of Calamus received Reserve Champion Horned Female and Champion Iowa Horned Female.
Tjardes Farms of Foosland, Ill., claimed Grand Champion Bull. Young Cattle Company received Reserve Grand Champion Bull.
Putz Cattle & Working Aussies of Otley earned Champion Iowa Bull.
Complete results follow (names, hometowns, animal identification):
1) Rainbow Herefords, Volin, S.D., PB HONKY TONK ANGEL H007, 3/31/2020, P44177011
2) Riggan Ag LLC, Tiffin, KR EVELYN J1, 1/2/2021, 44296390
3) Gylfe Farms, Beresford, S.D., ESF 41 GLORIA 095(WITH CALF 03/14/2022), 5/1/2020, P44166868
4) Knapp Cattle Company, Waverly, SS Murielle 17H(WITH CALF 01/07/2022), 1/25/2020, 44192318
1) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH MS EMERALD 902G ET(WITH CALF 2/1/2022), 1/23/2019, 44005049
2) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH MS SAPPHIRE 705E(WITH CALF 1/15/2022), 1/16/2017, 43781104
3) ET Polled Herefords, Avoca, MDF MISS GRACE 35G(WITH CALF 03/09/2022), 2/1/2019, P44072839
4) Alissa Rose, St. Olaf, ROSE MS SHEA(WITH CALF 03/05/2022), 4/8/2019, P44010666
Horned Spring Heifer Calf -- March 1 - June 30, 2022
1) Carlee Cremeens, Williamsburg, TPH Miss Lucy 201, 3/27/2022, P44377780
2) Amos Hereford Farm, Indianola, MS CA TINA 2019K, 4/5/2022, 44367197
Horned Junior Heifer Calf -- Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2022
1) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., YCC MS FERN 2296 2206, 1/16/2022, 44334791
2) Landt Herefords, Union, SL MISS ROYAL 2236, 2/9/2022, 44377920
3) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 7088 DOMINETTE 2214, 1/31/2022, 44354461
4) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 7088 Dominette 2234 ET, 2/9/2022, 44354465
5) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, MIE MS KELSEA 222K, 1/17/2022, 44344040
6) Landt Herefords, Union, SL ECR MISS DOM 2229, 1/31/2022, 44377925
Horned Senior Heifer Calf -- Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2021
1) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, MAV Cotton"s Laura, 11/22/2021, 44347045
2) Molly Biggs, Dixon, Ill., Happ 1327 Valerie 2179 ET, 11/5/2021, 44337772
3) PAW Livestock, LLC, Pleasantville, PAW 41H Homegirl Tina 148, 12/19/2021, 44344728
4) Circle S Ranch, Stewartville, Minn., CSR Saige's Cash Currency 125S, 12/4/2021, 44356055
Horned Senior Heifer Calf -- Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2021
1) Grant Brix, Logan, KCW AMBER 1015J, 10/15/2021, 44299218
2) PAW Livestock, LLC, Pleasantville, PAW Patient Petunia 143 ET, 10/16/2021, 44323356
Horned Early Summer Yrlg Heifer -- May 1 - June 15, 2021
1) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., RF SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT 12J, 6/3/2021, 44306809
2) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, HOGN MS JACKSON140J ET, 5/11/2021, 44316419
3) Montag Farms, Grimes, Blacks Rebecca 8014, 5/15/2021, 44303688
Horned Spring Yearling Heifer -- March 1 - April 30, 2021
1) Brenda Stewart, Bloomfield, K Shelbys 414, 3/5/2021, 44303534
2) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, NH FANCY 149, 3/17/2021, 44266002
3) Sayre Hereford Farm, Arenzville, Ill., N/R 628 Razzberry 020J, 3/5/2021, 44289389
4) Kennedy Rife, Columbus Jct, KRR JETTE'S BEST LIFE, 4/10/2021, 442396209
5) C&J Genetics, West Bend, KCW Cotton's Diana 415J ET, 4/17/2021, 44305273
6) Brincks Farm, Fredericksburg, BRINCKS PRIME AXIS, 3/5/2021, 44318983
Horned Junior Yearling Heifer -- Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2021
1) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, OCC BOBBIE 103, 2/28/2021, 44289838
2) Wagner Farms, Hampton, JCC OCC Miley 05ET, 1/20/2021, 44313937
3) TS Cattle Company, Centerville, Wis., SAS Ms Jeanie 7J, 2/2/2021, 44261764
4) Kennedy Rife, Columbus Jct, HH DEBBIE'S TIA 121, 2/1/2021, 44275624
5) Mente Family Herefords, Tipton, K7 E33 LASS 2116, 2/1/2021, 44239288
Horned Senior Yearling Heifer -- Aug. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020
1) Macy Macke, Lake City, MAV BLESSED KATRINA 093H ET, 12/12/2020, 44322505
2) Sayre Hereford Farm, Arenzville, Ill., SHF MS June 2053, 11/12/2020, 44206344
3) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 1884 MS MARK 2088, 10/5/2020, 44191815
Polled Spring Heifer Calf -- March 1 - June 30, 2022
1) Alissa Rose, St. Olaf, ROSE MS SUTTON, 3/5/2022, P44355225
2) Brincks Farm, Fredericksburg, BRINCKS DUSTY TREASURE MAP, 3/13/2022, P44367498
3) Amos Hereford Farm, Indianola, MS CA TINA 2036K, 4/10/2022, 44367198
4) H & H Cattle Company, Alden, HH PRISCILLA, 3/20/2022, P44367409
5) Brincks Farm, Fredericksburg, BRINCKS MASTER PLAN, 3/1/2022, P44366655
6) H & H Cattle Company, Alden, HH WILLA, 3/1/2022, P44367699
Polled Junior Heifer Calf -- Jan 1. - Feb. 28, 2022
1) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, TSE MS KARLY 241K, 2/22/2022, 44344026
2) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 21G LASS 2237, 2/10/2022, 44341549
3) Rainbow Herefords, Volin, S.D., PB RH PERFECTA ANGEL 230, 2/24/2022, P44363552
4) H & H Cattle Company, Alden, HH VIVIENNE, 2/13/2022, P44367698
5) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, TSE MS KAT 205K, 2/8/2022, 44344036
6) Amos Hereford Farm, Indianola, MS CA JACKIE 2001K, 2/26/2022, 44367195
Polled Junior Heifer Calf
1) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 MATTY 2202, 1/23/2022, 443385
2) H & H Cattle Company, Alden, HH CORA, 1/21/2022, P44367401
Polled Senior Heifer Calf -- Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2021
1) Macy Macke, Lake City, MAV COTTON'S JOURNEY 198J ET, 12/6/2021, P44343257
Polled Senior Heifer Calf -- Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2021
1) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, WF HAWK Paisely, 10/27/2021, P44337083
2) Fleisher Farms, Knoxville, Ill., DCF 8022 MS Genesis J50ET, 10/25/2021, P44331312
3) Black Cattle Co., Batavia, BAG CW WYNNE 139, 10/7/2021, P44341562
Polled Senior Heifer Calf
1) Fleisher Farms, Knoxville, Ill., LCC 308F Miss Lady 91J ET, 9/20/2021, P44328653
2) Fleisher Farms, Knoxville, Ill., FF Rachael 126J, 9/7/2021, P44327295
Polled Senior Heifer Calf
1) E2 Show Cattle, Marshalltown, E2 Miss Aries E23J, 8/13/2021, P44352522
2) Montag Farms, Grimes, 2AM Lizzo, 8/18/2021, P44362537
3) Circle S Ranch, Stewartville, Minn., CSR Cirie's Lady Excel 123S, 8/4/2021, P44356054
Polled Early Summer Yrlg Heifer -- May 1 - June 15, 2021
1) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., RF COPACABANA 10J, 5/10/2021, P44282702
2) Triple H Show Stock, Gilman, CCS Diana 101J ET, 5/4/2021, P44291036
3) Chase Jackson, Tipton, JHF MS 178F Dunkirk J65J, 5/5/2021, P44275482
4) Lind Polled Herefords, Rushford, Minn., LIND MISS JOURNEY 18J, 5/3/2021, P44327060
5) Sawyer Claussen, Stockton, Ww Viking Princess 87j, 5/10/2021, P44276991
6) Longnecker Cattle Company, Ames, MIE PEPPER 152J, 5/3/2021, P44247984
Polled Spring Yearling Heifer -- March 1 - Apr. 30, 2021
1) Noel Family Farms, Hedrick, MWT 6153 OAKLEY 6J, 4/14/2021, P44260018
2) Lind Polled Herefords, Rushford, Minn., LIND MISS OLIVIA 15J, 4/27/2021, P44327059
3) Grant Wilson, Donahue, Wilson's Gyp 2104, 4/22/2021, 44302703
Polled Spring Yearling Heifer
1) Logan Schroeder, Pella, BAJA Scarlet, 4/2/2021, P44272303
2) Molly Biggs, Dixon, Ill., Spin Biggs Vanna 8J, 4/4/2021, 44324513
3) Daran Becker, Indianola, TH MGT MISS Casino Girl 2023, 4/4/2021, 44282033
4) Smith Black Herefords, Newton, BLACKS SENSATIONAL PERCY 21 ET, 4/3/2021, P44301583
5) Mindy Atkinson, Belle Plaine, ENGLISH RIVER FANCY 2102, 4/3/2021, P44319518
6) Gylfe Farms, Beresford, S.D., ESF 818 NICOLE 146, 4/5/2021, P44271945
Polled Spring Yearling Heifer
1) Knapp Cattle Company, Waverly, HH Juniper, 3/27/2021, 44298401
2) Gylfe Farms, Beresford, S.D., GYLFES MISS JASMINE 144, 3/28/2021, P44257518
3) Knapp Cattle Company, Waverly, MK Cherry Joy 04J, 3/23/2021, 44329553
Polled Spring Yearling Heifer
1) Cole Schanbacher, Newhall, Curtins Gertie 13, 3/16/2021, P44302599
2) Sayre Hereford Farm, Arenzville, Ill., DJR TJ KS Violet 103, 3/2/2021, 44248988
3) Gwendalyn Brix, Logan, BX Zyla Sensation 0121, 3/5/2021, P44285098
4) Mindy Atkinson, Belle Plaine, TPH MISS CINNAMON 106, 3/11/2021, P44271231
Polled Junior Yearling Heifer -- Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2021
1) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., Perks BH 5017 Mercedes 1020 ET, 2/18/2021, P44270510
2) Boerm Cattle Co, Wellman, MCC JUST ABOUT RIGHT 915J, 2/20/2021, P44273948
Polled Junior Yearling Heifer
1) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, Mav Willow, 2/10/2021, P44267785
2) Sayre Hereford Farm, Arenzville, Ill., DJR TJ KS Joy 101, 2/5/2021, 44225776
3) R&r Cattle Company, Wilton, JM Eyeshadow 1J, 2/5/2021, 44290936
4) Rainbow Herefords, Volin, S.D., RH MISS CRACKET ROSE 120, 2/2/2021, P44269642
Polled Junior Yearling Heifer
1) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., BSC 4102 J LO 101ET, 1/26/2021, P44259376
2) TS Cattle Company, Centerville, Wis., SAS Ms Jiovanni 5J, 1/20/2021, P44279947
3) BJK Farms, Vinton, Churchill Lady 126J ET, 1/11/2021, P44267935
4) Grant Wilson, Donahue, PH 6011 Belle 105, 1/14/2021, 44258673
5) Mente Family Herefords, Tipton, K7 21G LASS 2105, 1/27/2021, P44239290
Polled Senior Yearling Heifer -- Aug. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020
1) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, Mav Cotton's Wren, 10/17/2020, 44235829
2) H&M Show Cattle, Blakesburg, H&m Addies Peaches 320h Et, 10/1/2020, P44224715
3) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, BAJA CARINA 8H ET, 11/3/2020, 44244368
Spring Bull Calf -- March 1 - June 30, 2022
1) PAW Livestock, LLC, Pleasantville, PAW 41H Kenworth 206, 3/20/2022, 44367424
2) Weeping Fox Ranch, Hartley, MAV Banjo 203K, 3/10/2022, 44368423
3) PAW Livestock, LLC, Pleasantville, PAW 41H Cabover Pete 205, 3/16/2022, 44367420
4) Gylfe Farms, Beresford, S.D., GYLFES FORTIFIED 210, 3/14/2022, P44345718
5) H & H Cattle Company, Alden, HH PERFECT LEADER, 4/10/2022, P44367410
6) Carlee Cremeens, Williamsburg, TPH Mr Jay, 3/29/2022, P44374838
Junior Bull Calf -- Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2022
1) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, PUTZ KICKSTART 1K, 2/6/2022, 44346308
2) PAW Livestock, LLC, Pleasantville, PAW 601D LIMITED ACCESS 201, 2/26/2022, 44367423
3) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 BELL 2230, 2/5/2022, 44340041
4) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 7088 DOMINO 2220, 2/2/2022, 44338496
5) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH 902G ESCAPADE 213K, 2/1/2022, 44334673
6) Stickley And Sons, Parkersburg, SS Prince 23K, 2/2/2022, 44363814
Junior Bull Calf
1) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH 705E MAHOGANY 201K, 1/15/2022, 44333941
2) Bernard Show Cattle, Grand Ridge, Ill., BSC ACK NEXT CHAPTER 201 ET, 1/20/2022, 44360113
3) ET Polled Herefords, Avoca, ET HOMETOWN LEADER 218, 1/8/2022, P44371714
4) Stickley And Sons, Parkersburg, SS Prince 11K, 1/13/2022, 44367468
5) Knapp Cattle Company, Waverly, 5S Kudos 05K, 1/7/2022, 44381347
Senior Bull Calf -- Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 2021
1) Petersen Herefords, De Witt, PH F102 Fernando 204, 12/26/2021, 44355277
Senior Bull Calf -- Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2021
1) Tjardes Farms, Foosland, Ill., RPH TJ COLD ROLLED STEEL 2J, 10/2/2021, 44291451
Late Summer Yearling Bull -- June 16 - July 31, 2021
1) Riggan Ag LLC, Tiffin, RIGG 8815 5E PANDEMIC 8I, 6/23/2021, 44299000
2) Gwendalyn Brix, Logan, BX BATTLE CRY 0321, 6/17/2021, 44291220
Early Summer Yearling Bull -- May 1 - June 15, 2021
1) Circle S Ranch, Stewartville, Minn., CSR Cash Fund 1185, 5/27/2021, P44356033
2) Circle S Ranch, Stewartville, Minn., CSR Trending Upward 115S, 5/26/2021, P44297268
Spring Yearling Bull -- March 1 - April 30, 2021
1) Wallin Family Cattle, Indianola, WFC TAILS, 4/7/2021, P44317302
2) E2 Show Cattle, Marshalltown, E2 Caribou Lou E21J, 4/20/2021, P44352521
3) Double J Herefords, Eldora, JJ MASTERPIECE 126, 4/14/2021, 44261256
Junior Yearling Bull -- Jan. 1 - Feb. 28, 2021
1) Tjardes Farms, Foosland, Ill., TJ 2296 DOUBLE DOWN 101, 1/21/2021, 44283375
2) Black Cattle Co., Batavia, BG 84F PERFECTO 88J, 2/7/2021, P44229200
3) Rainbow Herefords, Volin, S.D., RH RIP Wheeler 115, 2/1/2021, P44269641
4) Grant Wilson, Donahue, Wilson's Abe 2101, 2/18/2021, 44302702
Senior Yearling Bull -- Aug. 1 - Dec. 31, 2020
1) R&r Cattle Company, Wilton, KRR Helius Hutton, 9/15/2020, 44225224
Two-Year Old Bull -- Jan. 1 - July 31, 2020
1) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., YCC MR Diesel 2006, 3/1/2020, 44149921
2) Paw Livestock, Llc, Pleasantville, VCR 711E Convoy 41H, 2/26/2020, 44195422
3) Fleisher Farms, Knoxville, Ill., FF Red Rock 013H, 4/7/2020, P44201525
Get of Sire
1) R&r Cattle Company, Wilton
2) PAW Livestock, LLC, Pleasantville
Best Six Head
1) Paw Livestock, Llc, Pleasantville
2) R&r Cattle Company, Wilton
3) Tom Heidt, Lockridge
Produce of Dam
1) Weeping Fox Ranch, Hartley
2) Lenth Herefords, Postville
Champion & Reserve Cow/Calf
Champion) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH Ms Emerald
Reserve) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH Ms Sapphire
Champion & Reserve Horned Junior Heifer Calf
Champion) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., YCC Ms Fern
Reserve) Landt Herefords, Union, SL Miss Royal
Champion & Reserve Horned Senior Heifer Calf
Champion) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, MAV Cottons Laura
Reserve) Molly Biggs, Dixon, Ill., Happ 1327 Valerie
Champion & Reserve Horned Intermediate Yearling Heifer
Champion) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., RF Sunglasses at Night
Reserve) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, Hogn Ms Jackson
Champion & Reserve Horned Spring Yearling Heifer
Champion) Brenda Stewart, Bloomfield, K Shelbys
Reserve) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, NH Fancy
Champion & Reserve Horned Junior Yearling Heifer
Champion) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, OCC Bobbie
Reserve) Wagner Farms, Hampton, JCC OCC Miley
Champion & Reserve Horned Senior Yearling Heifer
Champion) Macy Macke, Lake City, MAV Blessed Katrina
Reserve) Sayre Hereford Farm, Arenzville, Ill., SHF Ms June
Grand Champion & Reserve Horned Female
Champion) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., YCC Ms Fern
Reserve) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, MAV Cottons Laura
Champion Iowa Horned Female
Champion) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, MAV Cottons Laura
Champion & Reserve Polled Junior Heifer Calf
Champion) Espenscheid Cattle, Traer, TSE Ms Karly
Reserve) Tom Heidt, Lockridge, K7 Matty
Champion & Reserve Polled Senior Heifer Calf
Champion) Macy Macke, Lake City, MAV Cottons Journey
Reserve) Fleisher Farms, Knoxville, Ill., LCC 308F Miss Lady
Champion & Reserve Polled Intermediate Yearling Heifer
Champion) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., RF Copacabana
Reserve) Triple H Show Stock, Gilman, CCS Diana
Champion & Reserve Polled Spring Yearling Heifer
Champion) Logan Schroeder, Pella, BAJA Scarlet
Reserve) Molly Biggs, Dixon, Ill., Spin Biggs Vanna
Champion & Reserve Polled Junior Yearling Heifer
Champion) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., BSC 4102 J Lo
Reserve) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., Perks BH 5017 Mercedes
Champion & Reserve Polled Senior Yearling Heifer
Champion) Tyler Davisson, Calamus, MAV Cottons Wren
Reserve) H&M Show Cattle, Blakesburg, H&M Addies Peaches
Grand Champion & Reserve Polled Female
Grand) Macy Macke, Lake City, MAV Cottons Journey
Res. Grand) Richardson Farms, Capron, Ill., RF Copacabana
Champion Iowa Polled Female
Champion) Macy Macke, Lake City, MAV Cottons Journey
Champion & Reserve Junior Bull Calf
Champion) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, Putz Kickstart
Reserve) Lenth Herefords, Postville, LH 705E Mahogany
Champion & Reserve Senior Bull Calf
Champion) Tjardes Farms, Foosland, Ill., RPH TJ Cold Rolled Steel
Reserve) Petersen Herefords, De Witt, PH F102 Fernando
Champion & Reserve Intermediate Bull
Champion) Riggan Ag LLC, Tiffin, RIGG 8815 5E Pandemic
Reserve) Gwendalyn Brix, Logan, BX Battle Cry
Champion & Reserve Yearling Bull
Champion) Tjardes Farms, Foosland, Ill., TJ 2296 Double Down
Reserve) Black Cattle Co., Batavia, BG 84F Perfecto
Champion & Reserve Senior Bull
Champion) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., YCC Mr Diesel
Reserve) Paw Livestock, Llc, Pleasantville, VCR 711E Convoy
Grand Champion & Reserve Bull
Grand) Tjardes Farms, Foosland, Ill., TJ 2296 Double Down
Res. Grand) Young Cattle Company, Lexington, Ill., YCC Mr Diesel
Champion Iowa Bull
Champion) Putz Cattle & Working Aussies, Otley, Putz Kickstart
Premier Exhibitor
1) Tom Heidt, Lockridge
Premier Breeder
1) Weeping Fox Ranch, Hartley
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The Iowa State Fair is one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country and the single largest event in the state. The Fair began over 160 years ago and is now considered one of the best events in the nation, attracting more than one million Fairgoers every year from all over the world. The Fairgrounds are located at East 30th and East University, just off the interstate and minutes from Downtown Des Moines. Find Your Fun at the Iowa State Fair, August 11-21, 2022. For more information, visit