James Carter of Ewing to Accompany Congressional Delegation to China
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PHILADELPHIA, PA (11/23/2011)(readMedia)-- China expert James Carter, Ph.D., professor of history and director of Saint Joseph's University's international relations program, has been chosen as the scholar-escort for a delegation of 11 senior U.S. Congressional staff members who will go to China for a week of site visits and meetings, Dec. 3-11. The trip, organized by the National Committee of United States-China Relations of New York, will include stops in Beijing, Tianjin and Xiamen. Carter is a Fellow in the National Committee's Public Intellectuals Program.
Arranged and sponsored by the Chinese People's Institute for Foreign Affairs (CPIFA) under the Mutual Education and Cultural Exchange Act, the trip is described as a "listening tour" that allows participants to gain a clearer understanding of China's accomplishments and challenges. This government-to-government exchange will bring key senior Congressional staff members – from both the House and Senate – to China, so that they can experience some of the issues surrounding U.S.-China relations first hand.
"It's an honor and privilege to accompany this delegation," says Carter. "The U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world right now; anything that improves understanding between the two countries is a good thing. I hope that my knowledge and experience can help the staffers make the most of a short, intense visit."
Carter's role will be to act as a resource for the American delegation, providing background information about China as well as any of the current matters the country is facing. Each year, the National Committee organizes three delegation trips that focus on key issues in the U.S.-China relationship, such as energy, climate change, security and trade. In addition to the scholar-escort, a senior staff member from the National Committee and several CPIFA staff members accompany each delegation.
Contact: Patricia Allen, Senior Associate Director of University Communications, 610-660-3240, patricia.allen@sju.edu