Jay Carter of Ewing Named Fellow of National Committee on US-China Relations
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PHILADELPHIA, PA (07/27/2011)(readMedia)-- Jay Carter, Ph.D., professor of history and director of the international relations program at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia has been selected as a Fellow for the National Committee on United States-China Relations' Public Intellectuals Program (PIP). Carter joins a cohort of 19 other China specialists and scholars from a variety of disciplines who will participate in a multiyear enrichment program designed to broaden their knowledge of China. During their two-and-a-half-year tenure, the Fellows will also engage with the public and the policy community.
Carter, an expert in 20th century China, has lived and traveled widely there. He is the chief editor of the journal Twentieth-Century China and the author of the recently published book Heart of Buddha, Heart of China, which chronicles the life of Tanxu, a 20th century Buddhist monk who founded Buddhist temples in China before the advent of the Communist Party. He also wrote Creating a Chinese Harbin: Nationalism in an International City, 1916-1932, a book that outlines the birth of Chinese nationalism in a frontier city.
"I'm looking forward to the Public Intellectuals Program as both a teacher and a student," says Carter. "I hope to learn about the ways that the academic, policy, business and activist communities can work together to influence the directions of U.S.-China relations. As a teacher – both in the classroom and in the public sphere more broadly – I believe I can take what I learn and share it to help Americans better understand China and the U.S.-China relationship."
PIP Fellows gain access to senior policymakers and experts in both the United States and China, and to individuals and fields they would not typically be exposed to, including the emerging business and nonprofit sectors in China. The ultimate objective of the program is to upgrade the quality of American public understanding of China by strengthening links among U.S. academics, policymakers, opinion leaders and the public. The program is funded by the Henry Luce Foundation and the Starr Foundation.
The National Committee on U.S.-China Relations is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization that encourages understanding of China and the United States among citizens of both countries. The organization focuses its exchange and programs to address issues with respect to the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Taiwan.