Justin Cappiello of Hamilton to attend Lycoming College

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WILLIAMSPORT, PA (05/19/2011)(readMedia)-- Justin Cappiello of Hamilton has been accepted to and plans to attend Lycoming College in the fall.

The son of Myles and Lisa Cappiello, he participates on the football, ice hockey and lacrosse teams at Hamilton High School North-Nottingham.

Cappiello is a member of National Honor Society and the recipient of a Lycoming College academic scholarship.

Lycoming College is a national liberal arts and sciences school dedicated to the undergraduate education of 1,400 students. It is recognized as a Tier 1 institution by U.S. News and World Report. Founded in 1812 in Williamsport, Pa., Lycoming is one of the 50 oldest colleges in the nation. For more information, visit www.lycoming.edu.