LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions, Julie Dostal, Featured in State Underage Drinking Prevention Video
OASAS Premieres "Taking Action in Educating New York" Video to Address College Drinking
ALBANY, NY (10/21/2009)(readMedia)-- State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) Commissioner Karen M. Carpenter-Palumbo today premiered a new underage drinking prevention video featuring New York residents taking action in their community.
The premiere comes as colleges across the state observe College Alcohol Awareness Week, October 1923, increasing awareness of the dangers of college drinking and the importance of responsible behavior and healthy lifestyles.
Governor David A. Paterson said, "It is our duty as leaders to partner with communities across the state to provide these much-needed underage drinking prevention efforts. High school and college-age New Yorkers are the future of this great state and through these efforts we will save precious lives and prevent tragedies that tear at the very heart of our families and communities."
"We know that seven out of 10 college students (1.4 million) under age 21 consumed alcohol in the past month and half are binge drinkers (1 million)," said Commissioner Carpenter-Palumbo.
"Alcohol is the No. 1 drug of choice for young people, costing New York about $3.2 billion a year," Commissioner Carpenter-Palumbo said. "As a parent, and as the Commissioner of one of the largest addiction services systems in the country, my job is to educate, prevent, help young people make the right decision not to drink most importantly, save lives. Working with parents, educators, community members and law enforcement, we can influence the decisions of teens and make a difference - this video is a call to action in educating New York."
Commissioner Carpenter-Palumbo was joined by University at Albany President George M. Philip to launch the video at the University of Albany - SUNY. Also, joining the Commissioner and President Philip were a number of area leaders in the underage drinking prevention effort who appeared in the video.
The video (Windows Media - closed captioned, QuickTime), sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), is designed to highlight the underage drinking prevention efforts in New York. The video also issues a call to action to elicit involvement from prevention providers, law enforcement, judiciary, colleges and community coalitions.
University at Albany President George M. Philip said, "This video will be a significant tool in fighting underage drinking. As a University we recognize the importance of tackling the very real dangers of alcohol abuse among young people. We stand with our partners and colleagues at OASAS in their efforts to prevent high-risk drinking."
UAlbany has developed several nationally-recognized model programs that address underage drinking among college-age students. These include the U.S. Department of Education and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration-funded STEPS Comprehensive Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention Program, an early intervention program designed to meet the complex needs of high-risk drinkers.
Additionally, the University's Middle Earth Peer Assistance Program, a drug and alcohol abuse prevention peer education program, is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as an exemplary program. A National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH) grant has funded the Rapid Response to College Drinking Problems program, featuring peer-delivered early intervention strategies for students who violate University alcohol policy.
Featured in the new state underage drinking prevention video is Julie Dostal, Ph.D.,. Executive Director for LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions.
Dr. Dostal said, "In the last 10 years, 30-day alcohol use among Otsego County high school students has been reduced by 18 percent - binge drinking rate has declined 21 percent. Reported high school drinking and driving has gone down by over 30 percent. Working together with parents, schools and other community partners is the only way to provide young people with a consistent message about alcohol use. Changing the culture from permissive to protective will increase the overall health of our teens."
To prevent underage drinking throughout Otsego County, the LEAF Council on Alcoholism and Addictions has a local partnerships with SUNY Oneonta and Hartwick;
the Leatherstocking Regional Consortium on the Reduction of Substance Abuse which involves SUNY Delhi; SUNY Cobleskill; Herkimer Community College; the Schoharie County Council, the Delaware County Council, and the Herkimer Council and the LEAF Council. The Council also develops county-wide youth needs assessment for effective planning and the Creating Rural Opportunities Partnership (CROP) After-School program, designed to enhance the lives of youth living in Otsego and Delaware Counties.
OASAS continues to promote its nationally recognized Underage Drinking: Not a Minor Problem Media Campaign which includes helpful information to parents, as well as beer, liquor and wine retailers. To report underage alcohol sales or an underage drinking party, individuals can call 1-866-under21.
OASAS oversees one of the nation's largest addiction services systems dedicated to Prevention, Treatment and Recovery, with more than 1,550 programs serving over 110,000 New Yorkers on any given day.
Through efforts such as the Your Story Matters campaign at www.iamrecovery.com, the agency hopes to foster a movement of recovery, one that sheds the stigma and promotes a life of health and wellness.
Addiction is a chronic disease and New Yorkers need to know that help and hope is available. Individuals can find help by calling the toll-free, 24-hour, 7-day a week HOPEline at 1-877-8-HOPENY. For more information, please visit www.oasas.state.ny.us.
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