Landis Arboretum Announces Second Sunday Snowshoe on February 14th

ESPERANCE, NY (02/08/2010)(readMedia)-- As part of its 2010 Coming Attractions, the Landis Arboretum will be hosting the "SECOND SUNDAY SNOWSHOE" on February 14, Sunday, from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.

Using the outdoor laboratory of the 548-acre Landis Arboretum, participants will learn how to recognize major trees and shrubs of the Northeast in winter. No snow? We'll take a hike. Adult and children's snowshoes available, so arrive early if you need them -- or bring your own. Meet at the Barn.

Guide: Fred Breglia, ISA certified arborist and snowshoe king.

Members: $5/person, $15 for family. $10, non-members; $25, family.

Donations to support the Arboretum are welcome.