Lawmakers, Voting Rights Groups Urge Assembly to Pass Voter Roll Bill Before End of Session

NEW YORK, NY (06/04/2024) (readMedia)-- Tomorrow, with three days left of session in Albany, Common Cause New York will host a virtual press conference with Assemblymember Gina Sillitti, Senator James Skoufis,The Brennan Center for Justice, the League of Women Voters New York, Citizen Action of New York, the New York Civic Engagement Table, Vote Early New York and others to urge the Assembly to pass A7052C / S6173B: legislation that would authorize New York State to join the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and other multistate voter list organizations. The bill already passed the Senate in January.

ERIC is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of states that shares and maintains voter roll data to ensure voter rolls are accurate and safe. For more than a decade, states have worked with ERIC to ensure election officials have the most accurate voter rolls and are able to detect any possible voting issues. ERIC also helps states conduct outreach to individuals with information on how they can register to vote.


Assemblymember Gina Sillitti

State Senator James Skoufis

Susan Lerner, Common Cause New York

Erica Smitka, League of Women Voters New York

Ravo Root, Citizen Action of New York

Karla Bradley, New York Civic Engagement Table

Jarret Berg, Vote Early NY

The Brennan Center for Justice


WHERE: Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 884 1229 0714

Passcode: 557141

WHEN: Tomorrow, June 5th at 10:00am

WHAT: Common Cause/NY will join with state lawmakers, voting rights groups to urge the Assembly to pass legislation before the end of session that would authorize New York to join the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC).