MINNEAPOLIS, MN (01/13/2011)(readMedia)-- Publishable Press Releases, January 8, 2011 Board Meeting
Stephen R. Engler, D.O. #48127
363 Page Lane
River Falls, WI 54022
Date of Birth: December 8, 1972
Date of Action: January 8, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Conviction within the previous five years of a felony reasonably related to the practice of medicine or osteopathy; disciplinary action in another state.
Action Taken: Dr. Engler's license is suspended as follows:
1. His license is indefinitely suspended.
2. During the suspension, he shall not in any manner practice medicine and surgery in Minnesota.
3. He may petition for reinstatement of his license following completion of the terms of his probation.
4. Upon petitioning for reinstatement, he shall appear before the Complaint Review Committee to discuss his petition. The Committee may recommend that the Board continue, modify, or remove the suspension, or impose conditions or restrictions.
Gayl L. Gustafson, M.D. #26173
4431 Garrison Lane
Edina, MN 55424
Date of Birth: December 9, 1953
Date of Action: January 8, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; prescribing a drug for other than medically accepted therapeutic purposes.
Action Taken: Dr. Gustafson's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. She is reprimanded.
2. She shall successfully complete, within nine months, the following pre-approved courses:
a. Chemical dependency awareness;
b. Chronic pain management; and
c. Professional boundaries.
3. Within six months of successful completion of the required coursework, she shall write and submit a paper, for review and approval by the Complaint Review Committee, discussing what she has learned and how she has implemented the knowledge into her practice.
4. She shall develop and submit for Committee approval a narcotic contract for use with all patients receiving narcotics for chronic pain.
5. She shall practice in a pre-approved setting.
6. She shall obtain a pre-approved supervising physician who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
7. She shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
8. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years.
Gayle C. Leen, P.A. #9471
9255 127th Street NE
Clear Lake, MN 55319
Date of Birth: July 8, 1968
Date of Action: January 8, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Violating a law relating to the practice of a physician assistant; unethical and unprofessional conduct; inability to practice with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness; becoming addicted or habituated to a drug or intoxicant.
Action Taken: Ms. Leen's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. She shall participate in the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) and fully comply with all terms and conditions of her HPSP Participation Agreement and Monitoring Plan, including any modifications. Failure to comply with the HPSP Monitoring Plan shall constitute a violation of this Order.
2. She shall not prescribe, administer, or dispense any prescription drug or drug sample for her own use or her family members' use.
3. She shall not have access to controlled substances in the work place without supervision.
4. She shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
5. She may submit a written petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license upon successful completion of her HPSP Participation Agreement and Monitoring Plan and upon submission of satisfactory evidence of a minimum of three years of documented, uninterrupted recovery.
Kathleen T. Lundell, M.D. #36738
5702 South Amberwood Drive
Chandler, AZ 85248-7833
Date of Birth: December 9, 2953
Date of Action: January 8, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional conduct; improper management of medical records.
Action Taken: Dr. Lundell's license is conditioned as follows:
1. She is reprimanded.
2. Within 60 days she shall make arrangements to enter into a pre-approved educational program as follows:
a. Satisfactory completion of the following topics of the Medical Knowledge Self-Assessment Program associated with the American College of Physicians:
i. Foundations of Internal Medicine
ii. Cardiovascular Medicine
iii. Gastroenterology and Hepatology
iv. Rheumatology
v. Neurology
vi. Hematology and Oncology
vii. Pulmonary and Critical Medicine
viii. General Internal Medicine
ix. Endocrinology and Metabolism
x. Nephrology
b. Satisfactory complete of the Clinic Review: Family Medicine and Internal Medicine Update.
c. Satisfactory completion of the 7th Annual Women's Health Update.
d. Satisfactory completion of the PACE program Medical Record Keeping Course.
3. She shall maintain patient records that reflect the patient's complaint, examination, diagnosis, treatment plan, response to treatment, and prescribed medications, including refills.
4. She shall pay a $2,800 civil penalty prior to petitioning for reinstatement of an unconditional license, but no later than one year from the date of this order.
5. She may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license upon submission of satisfactory evidence that she has completed the terms of her Order.
David Elmer R. Sutherland, M.D. #17789
University of Minnesota
420 Delaware Street SE, MMC 280
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Date of Birth: December 25, 1940
Date of Action: January 8, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional conduct.
Action Taken: Dr. Sutherland's license is disciplined as follows:
1. He is reprimanded.
2. He shall pay a $3,660 civil penalty.
To research a physician's qualifications, visit the Board's Professional Profile at www.bmp.state.mn.us