MINNEAPOLIS, MN (03/21/2011)(readMedia)-- Bradley R. Bangtson, M.D. #28669
3460 Kenwood Place
Cambridge, MN 55008
Date of Birth: September 4, 1953
Date of Action: March 12, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Violating an Order of the Board; inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness; becoming addicted or habituated to a drug or intoxicant.
Action Taken: Dr. Bangtson's license is suspended. The suspension is stayed contingent upon his compliance with the following terms and conditions:
1. He shall enroll in a pre-approved independent monitoring program and fully comply with all terms and conditions of the monitoring plan. Failure to comply with the independent monitoring program shall constitute a violation of this Order.
2. He shall obtain a pre-approved primary care treating physician to monitor and/or manage all medical and other care provided to him by all health professionals. The primary care treating physician shall provide quarterly reports to the Board.
3. He shall abstain completely from alcohol and all mood altering chemicals, including over-the-counter medications except aspirin, anti-inflammatory agents, and antacids, unless they are prescribed and/or approved by a physician or dentist who has first been informed of his chemical use history.
4. He shall not prescribe or administer any prescription drug or drug sample for his own use or for his family members' use.
5. He shall be subject to a minimum of six unannounced blood and/or urine tests per quarter.
6. He shall attend at least two self-help program meetings per week and his designated sponsor(s) shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
7. He shall attend monthly meetings of a pre-approved professional support group and his designated sponsor(s) shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
8. He shall engage in individual therapy with a pre-approved psychiatrist or therapist who shall provide quarterly reports to the Board.
9. He shall comply with medication management as recommended by his treating psychiatrist.
10. He shall provide to the Board a copy of any treatment or aftercare plan that is in effect when this Order is approved or which is modified or becomes effective while he is subject to this Order.
11. He shall sign releases authorizing the Board to obtain his medical, mental health, or chemical abuse/dependency records from any treating professional or facility.
12. He shall practice in a pre-approved supervised group setting.
13. He shall identify a work quality assessor who shall provide quarterly reports to the Board.
14. He shall meet quarterly with a designated board member.
15. He may petition for reinstatement of an unconditional license no sooner than one year from the date of this order and upon successful completion of his independent monitoring program. Upon petitioning, he shall appear before the Committee.
Todd J. Gavin, M.D. #35388
23886 State Highway 22
Mankato, MN 56001
Date of Birth: February 28, 1961
Date of Action: March 12, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; engaging in conduct with a patient that is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted as sexual.
Action Taken: Dr. Gavin's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. He is reprimanded.
2. He shall not engage in conduct with a patient that is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted as sexual.
3. He shall be accompanied by a chaperone when he examines female patients below the neck;
4. He shall successfully complete a pre-approved boundaries course within one year of the date of this Order.
5. Within one year of the date of this Order, he shall submit a paper, for Committee review and approval, describing what he learned from the boundaries course and how he has applied the knowledge to his practice.
6. He shall practice in a pre-approved setting.
7. If he sees patients outside of a hospital setting in an optometrist's office, the optometrist shall serve as a work site monitor. If he establishes any other work site, he shall obtain a work site monitor at each the practice locations. Each work site monitor shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
8. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
9. He shall pay a civil penalty in the amount of $4083.
10. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of three years.
Roger A. Johnson, M.D. #17731
2233 North Hamline, Suite 402
Roseville, MN 55113
Date of Birth: April 5, 1940
Date of Action: March 12, 2011
Nature of Misconduct: Unprofessional and unethical conduct; improper management of medical records; improper prescribing practices.
Action Taken: Dr. Johnson's license is conditioned and restricted as follows:
1. He shall not prescribe neuropsychiatric medications.
2. He shall maintain a daily log of all medications prescribed.
3. He shall successfully complete the following pre-approved courses.
o Pharmacology course, limited in scope to neuropsychiatric medications;
o Medical records management.
4. Upon successful completion of the required courses, he may petition to have his full prescribing privileges reinstated. Upon receipt of his petition, he shall meet with the Committee to discuss what he learned. Upon hearing his petition, the Committee, by its own order, may continue, modify, or remove the requirement that he refrain from prescribing neuropsychiatric medications.
5. Six months after he resumes the prescribing of neuropsychiatric medications, he shall undergo a chart audit. Additional audits shall be conducted as deemed necessary.
6. He shall meet monthly with a pre-approved supervising physician who shall submit quarterly reports to the Board.
7. He shall meet quarterly with a designated Board member.
8. He shall pay a $750 civil penalty.
9. This Order shall remain in effect for a minimum of two years from the date he is allowed to resume the prescribing of neuropsychiatric medications.
To research a physician's qualifications, visit the Board's Professional Profile at www.bmp.state.mn.us