New Student Group to Provide STEM Advantage

A new student organization at Cedarville University is fast-tracking undergrads for some of the most in-demand career fields in America.

The group's focus is to promote interdisciplinary participation across Cedarville's STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) students. "Our chapter helps to make a bridge between physical sciences and the life sciences at Cedarville through various activities," Pereira noted. "This is the only student chapter which brings together all STEM students.

The students seek to point upward as they become more involved on campus and with other universities. "Being a Christian school, we want to have a good testimony out in the world for Jesus," said junior Ethan Doerstling from Arvada, Colorado. "We have an opportunity to reach out to other schools and show them there are Christians doing science."

The students helping to lead the group are Ethan Doerstling, Izzy Coiro, Ben Veenstra, Adam Klauk, Kyra Becker, Angela Aad, Nathan Lee.

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