New Student Senate leaders named for 2024-25 school year

Concordia University, Nebraska recently announced its upcoming Student Senate leadership team, which will take over the governance of the club in the 2024-25 school year.

Student Senate is Concordia's student government. The Senate is student-led and holds weekly meetings. Smaller committees devoted to areas of betterment across campus, such as recycling, community service and public relations, meet once every two weeks. Each main Student Senate meeting is open to the public; however, each dorm floor and club is asked to send a representative to these meetings.

Each year, Student Senate takes on a variety of campus-focused projects, with the main project for the 2023-24 school year being the renovation of Concordia's outdoor chapel. They also play an integral role in the creation of yearly budgets for each of Concordia's approved clubs. The budget for the upcoming school year is created at the end of the prior semester.

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