New York City Primary Voters Reject Gun Control Guru

TROY, NY (09/16/2009)(readMedia)--  Richard Aborn's defeat in the race for Manhattan District Attorney is an unambiguous rebuke of the gun control movement by the residents of New York City.

Aborn based his campaign almost entirely upon his work with Handgun Control, Inc., now renamed the Brady Campaign, and the policies which they advocate. His list of endorsements included Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, State Senators Eric Schneiderman and Eric Adams, Assemblypersons Jonathan Bing, Deborah Glick, Richard Gottfried, Brian Kavanagh, Daniel O'Donnell, Linda Rosenthal and Michelle Schimel, and gun control organizations the Brady Campaign, Gun Free Kids, Million Mom March and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence.

His last place finish demonstrates just how far outside the mainstream of society gun control advocates are. A solid majority of Democrat voters in Manhattan have rejected their candidate and his ideas.
