ALBANY, NY (05/23/2012)(readMedia)-- This Memorial Day, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) reminds veterans and families of members of the U.S. Armed Forces who have died, are disabled or were classified as missing in action or a prisoner of war about college tuition assistance benefits available to them.
"We honor the sacrifice of the men and women from our State who have put their lives on hold to serve our country," said HESC Acting President Elsa Magee. "The higher education programs that have been made available to veterans in New York State offer an opportunity to show our appreciation for their service and sacrifice, and help provide our veterans with the life-long benefit of a college education."
New York State offers a number of higher education financial aid programs to help veterans and/or their family members successfully pursue their educational goals. Applications for each of the awards listed below are required by June 30 of the academic year for which an award is requested.
Veterans Tuition Awards (VTA) are available to combat veterans returning from Afghanistan, Iraq and other conflicts. The award covers an amount up to the undergraduate tuition for New York State residents at State University of New York to help pay college tuition expenses. More than 2,100 veterans received awards totaling roughly $6.2 million for the 2010-11 academic year.
Available for full or part-time study, the VTA may be used for undergraduate, graduate or vocational programs. Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) awards help veterans fill any remaining financial need beyond their VTA.
Military Service Recognition Scholarshipshelp children, spouses and dependents of those who, while New York State residents in service in the Armed Forces of the United States or state organized militia, died, became severely and permanently disabled, or were classified as missing in action in a combat zone while engaged in hostilities or training at any time on or after Aug. 2, 1990. The award covers an amount up to the undergraduate tuition for New York State residents at State University of New York for four years of full-time study (or five years in an approved five-year bachelor's degree program).
Regents Awards for Children of Deceased and Disabled Veteransprovide $450 a year in financial aid to students whose parent(s) served in the U.S. Armed Forces during specified times of national emergency and either died, suffered a 40 percent or more disability, or were classified as missing in action or a prisoner of war as a result of service.
To receive any of these NYS awards, veterans or their family members must complete the federal Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application, and the appropriate supplemental application found on HESC's online "Military Corner" page.'s Military Corner provides up-to-date information specifically targeted to those who serve or previously served in the military and are interested in obtaining financial aid for themselves or their family members to attend college, as well as links to other State and federal veterans' sites.
About HESC: HESC is New York State's student financial aid agency that helps people pay for college and a national leader in providing need-based grant and scholarship award money to college-going students. At HESC's core are programs like the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), numerous state scholarships, federal college access grants and a highly successful College Savings program. HESC puts college within the reach of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers each year through programs like these and through the guidance it provides to students, families and counselors. In 2010-11, HESC helped more than 413,000 students achieve their college dreams by providing $991 million in grants, scholarships and federal student loan guarantees, including $855 million awarded through the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).