New York State Iraq and Afghan War Commemorative Medals are now being issued

New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs is now taking applications for commemorative medals authorized by the governor and legislature

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New Yorkers can now apply for Iraq War ( left) and Afghan War (right) commemorative medals, if they served in those campaigns.

LATHAM, NY (03/13/2025) (readMedia)-- The New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs is now issuing commemorative Afghanistand and Iraq War medals approved by the legislature and Governor Kathy Hochul in 2023.

The medals are not for wear on a uniform but were designed and authorized as a way for the legislature to thank veterans of these wars for their service.

Two bills, signed into law by the governor in November 2023 created the New York State Afghanistan War Commemorative Medal and the New York State Iraq War Commemorative Medal.

The Afghan War medal is awarded to members of the armed forces who served in Afghanistan between October 2001 and August 2021.

The Iraq War medal is for service members who served in Iraq between March 2003 and December 2011.

Last year the Division of Military and Naval Affairs began issuing commemorative medals to military veterans who served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

"On behalf of the legislature and Gov. Kathy Hochul, we at the Division of Military and Naval Affairs are proud to be able to play a role in recognizing the military service of those who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, " said Maj. Gen. Ray Shields, the adjutant general of New York.

Veterans can apply for the medals online by going to the Division of Military and Naval Affairs website at

Applicants can use an online firm to request the medals, or they can print out, and mail in an application form.

Applicants must be New York state resident now, or have been a New York state resident when they served in Iraq or Afghanistan

Applicants must provide a digital or paper copy of their Department of Defense Form 214 (DD214) Certificate of Release or

Discharge from Active Duty, as proof of military service in the two theaters of action.

Family members and other designated individuals can apply on behalf of a veteran. The medal can also be award posthumously.

The New York State Division of Military and Naval Affairs is the state agency which administers the New York National Guard, New York Naval Militia and New York Guard volunteer state defense force. The agency also oversees the New York State Military Museum in Saratoga Springs.