New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Asks Whether Mayor Bloomberg

Will Follow Through On Gun Law When Celebrities Are Involved

TROY, NY (07/23/2007)(readMedia)-- In a recent press release, Mayor Michael Bloomberg – that intrepid crusader against illegal guns – announced a public service advertising campaign highlighting his GUNS=PRISON initiative. As the result of a law that Bloomberg encouraged the New York State legislature to pass in 2006, anyone convicted of carrying “an illegal loaded handgun” in New York City will face a minimum prison sentence of 3½ years – with “no exceptions” according to the press release. While the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association does not approve of New York City’s concealed carry regulations, it has always encouraged New Yorkers to comply until these regulations can be changed.

The question now is whether the Mayor will follow through on his own tough talk when celebrity lawbreakers are involved. In the past, celebrities have sometimes received preferential treatment where firearms are involved. Will they get a free pass in two recent cases as well? On July 23rd the Associated Press reported that top-selling rappers Ja Rule and Lil Wayne were arrested by the NYPD in separate incidents and charged with criminal possession of a weapon when illegal .40 caliber handguns were found in the possession of each man. The NYSRPA is sure the law would be rigorously enforced if an average citizen concerned about his or her safety were arrested on this charge. What will happen when well-known recording artists are involved? The NYSRPA will be following these cases closely.