New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Endorses Junior Hunting/Crossbow Hunting Bill

TROY, NY (05/27/2010)(readMedia)-- At present, hunting rights in New York State are restricted in two important ways: big game hunters are required to be 16 years of age or older, and bow hunting is limited to longbows that are drawn and fired without mechanical assistance. These restrictions keep younger hunters, and those with a disability that prevents them from drawing and firing a bow in the traditional way, out of the field.

Bipartisan bills now before the State Assembly (A-7100A) and State Senate (S-2204A) remove these restrictions. These bills allow hunters as young as age 14 to hunt big game when accompanied by a parent or guardian, or by an experienced hunter aged 18 or over. The bills also provide for "the use of a bow equipped with a mechanical device for holding and releasing the bowstring" or "the use of a crossbow."

The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association urges New York's hunters and sportsmen (and women) to support these bills, and to let their State legislators know how they feel. In addition, a rally is scheduled in Albany on June 2, 2010 to support of this legislation. Plan to attend if you can.