Romer Awarded Ribbons at the Iowa State Fair Dahlia Show

DES MOINES, IA (09/16/2024) (readMedia)-- Beth Romer of Altoona took home the top place in many divisions of the Dahlia Show at the 2024 Iowa State Fair.

Complete results follow:


Decorative A & AA Size - White

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Sharon Doud, Stuart

3) Bethany Wilcoxon, Des Moines

Decorative A & AA Size - Yellow

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Decorative A & AA Size - Orange

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Decorative A & AA Size - Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Dark Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

Decorative A & AA Size - Dark Red

1) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Lavender

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Purple

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

Decorative A & AA Size - Light Blend

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Bronze

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

Decorative A & AA Size - Flame

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Variegated

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Bi-Color

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative A & AA Size - Any Other Color

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative B & BB Size - White

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Sharon Doud, Stuart

Decorative B & BB Size - Yellow

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

Decorative B & BB Size - Orange

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative B & BB Size - Pink

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Decorative B & BB Size - Dark Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative B & BB Size - Red

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Decorative B & BB Size - Dark Red

1) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

2) Lyndee Clark, Johnston

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Decorative B & BB Size - Lavender

1) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Decorative B & BB Size - Purple

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

3) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Decorative B & BB Size - Light Blend

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Joni Kinkead, Alburnett

Decorative B & BB Size - Bronze

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative B & BB Size - Flame

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Bethany Wilcoxon, Des Moines

Decorative B & BB Size - Dark Blend

1) Sharon Doud, Stuart

2) Sharon Doud, Stuart

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Decorative B & BB Size - Variegated

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Decorative B & BB Size - Bi-Color

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - White

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Yellow

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Orange

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Dark Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Red

1) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Dark Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Purple

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Light Blend

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Bronze

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Flame

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus A & AA Size - Dark Blend

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - White

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Yellow

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Orange

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Dark Pink

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Dark Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Lavender

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Purple

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Light Blend

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Bronze

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Flame

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Dark Blend

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Variegated

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Cactus/Semi-Cactus B & BB Size - Bi-Color

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Pompons - White

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Sharon Doud, Stuart

3) Sharon Doud, Stuart

Pompons - Orange

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Pompons - Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Pompons - Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Pompons - Dark Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Pompons - Lavender

1) Joni Kinkead, Alburnett

2) Joni Kinkead, Alburnett

3) Rae Eschen, Central City

Pompons - Purple

1) Rae Eschen, Central City

2) Joni Kinkead, Alburnett

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Pompons - Bronze

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

Pompons - Any Other Color

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Miniatures - White

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Miniatures - Yellow

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Miniatures - Orange

1) Rae Eschen, Central City

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Miniatures - Pink

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Lyndee Clark, Johnston

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Miniatures - Red

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Miniatures - Dark Red

1) Rae Eschen, Central City

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Betsy Cranston, Deep River

Miniatures - Lavender

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Miniatures - Purple

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Miniatures - Blend

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Lyndee Clark, Johnston

3) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Miniatures - Variegated

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Lyndee Clark, Johnston

Miniatures - Bi-Color

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Rae Eschen, Central City

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Miniatures - Any Other Color

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Balls - White

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Balls - Yellow

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

3) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

Balls - Orange

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Sharon Doud, Stuart

Balls - Pink

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Balls - Red

1) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

2) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Balls - Dark Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Bethany Wilcoxon, Des Moines

Balls - Lavender

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Balls - Purple

1) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

2) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Balls - Bronze,

1) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

2) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

3) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Balls - Blend

1) Lyndee Clark, Johnston

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Jeff Schneider, Marshalltown

Balls - Any Other Color

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Water Lily - Yellow

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

Water Lily - Orange

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Water Lily - Pink

1) Bethany Wilcoxon, Des Moines

Water Lily - Red

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Water Lily - Lavender

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Water Lily - Blend

1) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

2) Sharon Doud, Stuart

3) Beth Romer, Altoona

Water Lily - Any Other Color

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

2) Beth Romer, Altoona

Any Other Type - Any Color

1) Matthew Greazel, Boone

2) Matthew Greazel, Boone

3) Matthew Greazel, Boone

Collection - 4 A &/or AA Size Blooms

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Collection - 4 B &/or BB Size Blooms

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Judy Romer, Algona

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Any Other Type - Design Class

1) Judy Romer, Algona

2) Rae Eschen, Central City

3) Judy Romer, Algona

Novice - One Bloom - Any Color - Formal

1) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

2) Melissa Hastings, Madrid

3) Penelope Anderson, Des Moines

Novice - One Bloom - Any Color - Informal

1) Melissa Hastings, Madrid

2) Melissa Hastings, Madrid

3) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Novice - One Bloom - Any Color - Semi-Cactus

1) Jenny McCoy, Des Moines

Best Decorative A & AA Size Bloom

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Best Decorative B & BB Size Bloom

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Best Cactus or Semi-Cactus A & AA Size Bloom

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Best Cactus or Semi-Cactus B & BB Size Bloom

1) Judy Romer, Algona

King of Show

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Prince of Show

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Princess of Show

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Largest Decorative A & AA and Cactus A & AA

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Best Pompon

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Best Miniature

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Best Ball

1) Beth Romer, Altoona

Best Water Lily

1) Kerrey Purvis, Waverly

Best Collection

1) Judy Romer, Algona

Sweepstakes - award in memory and honor of Jim & Judy Romer

1) Beth Romer, Altoona


The Iowa State Fair is one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country and the single largest event in the state. The Fair began 170 years ago and is now considered one of the best events in the nation, attracting more than one million Fairgoers every year from all over the world. The Fairgrounds are located at East 30th and East University, just off the interstate and minutes from Downtown Des Moines. Catch Fair Fever at the Iowa State Fair, August 8-18, 2024. For more information, visit