Spring Plant Sale Centerpiece of Arboretum Activity

ESPERANCE, NY (05/01/2010)(readMedia)-- For nearly 40 years, the Landis Arboretum's annual spring plant sale has offered out-of-the-ordinary trees, shrubs, and perennials. This year is no exception.

This signature Spring Plant/Book/Bake Sale & NEW THIS YEAR Artisans' Show and Sale will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, from 10 AM to 4 PM. In addition to the usual wide selection of trees, shrubs, and perennials, over 30 varieties of lilacs will be featured. Heirloom flowers and vegetables from the Landis greenhouse too. Bake and book sale on both days, and artisans from "Art in the Valley" at the Meeting House. Free admission and parking.

Members' Preview Party

By longstanding tradition, the Friday before the plant sale (Friday, May 14, from 5 – 8 PM) is designated as "Pick of the Pots," a members-only preview and plant sale. It is always a memorable event when old friends meet once again – and introduce new ones to an Arboretum tradition.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Arboretum, and May provides two opportunities for contributing to Landis. Meet some like-minded and environmentally conscious spirits like yourself. Have some fun and free exercise.

National Public Gardens Day and Spring Workfest

Help celebrate the stewardship of America's public gardens on Sunday, May 2, from 9 AM – 3 PM. Bring your friends and your work gloves to Landis to prepare the Arboretum for the season ahead. Come for part of the day or the full day. Light lunch provided. Consider bringing a favorite dessert to share. Can we count on you? Contact Susan Sagendorf at (518) 234-8970 or ssagendorf@yahoo.com.

Plant Sale Set Up

Workers are needed Tuesday – Friday, May 11 – 14, from 9 AM – 5 PM, to help set up for the plant sale. Workers and bakers are needed for plant sale weekend too. Lunch provided for volunteers Thursday through Sunday. Contact Susan Sagendorf at (518) 234-8970 or ssagendorf@yahoo.com.

Remember that there is no better place for learning about the natural world than Landis, and the Arboretum provides several educational opportunities for adults and children in May.

Spring Nature Walk

Discover the reawakening of nature on Sunday, May 2, from 2 – 3:30 PM. Led by Science Educator George Steele, participants will explore the fields and forests of the Arboretum to find plants and animals that are starting their yearly cycle of growth and reproduction. Dress for the weather and the possibility of muddy trails. Cost for members: $5/person, $15/family; for non-members, $10/person, $25/family.

Public Star Party

Join Alan French and the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers for stargazing through a variety of telescopes at nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, planets and more, on Friday and Saturday, May 7 and 8, at 8:30 PM. Alan will begin with an introductory program in the Meeting House followed by a short outdoor tour of the prominent constellations. Star parties are cancelled if the skies are mostly cloudy. Call Alan at 374-8460 if in doubt about the weather or for more information. Free parking and admission, but donations to the Arboretum are always welcome.

Native Plants and Biodiversity

Bring a bag lunch and walk the Native Plant Trail with the trail's curator, Ed Miller, on Wednesday, May 12, from 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM. The focus will be on native plants and how to key them out using a field guide. Diversity, evolution, and the role native plants play in sustaining wildlife will be considered as well. Bring your field guides and Ed will help you use them. Field guides to native plants are also available at the Arboretum. Cost for members is $10; non-members $15.

Early Morning Bird Walk

A walk for the beginning to serious birder on Saturday, May 22, from 6 – 9 AM. George Steele, Science Educator, will lead participants in identifying both resident and migrating birds by sight and sound. Cost for members: $5/person, $15/family; for non-members, $10/person, $25/family.

Additional information and registration:

Landis Arboretum

www.landisarboretum.org * 518.875.6935 * info@landisarboretum.org