Statement from Environmental Advocates of New York on Judith Enck's Appointment to USEPA

ALBANY, NY (11/05/2009)(readMedia)-- "Environmental Advocates of New York is pleased to hear that Judith Enck has been appointed Regional Director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2. Judith has been a stalwart defender and protector of New York's air, land and water for many years. As executive director of our precursor Environmental Planning Lobby, policy advisor to the New York State Attorney General, and most recently as New York's Deputy Secretary of the Environment, Judith has demonstrated excellent judgment and a strong commitment to protecting the health of our air, land and water, as well as our families, for generations to come," said Robert Moore, Executive Director of Environmental Advocates of New York.


Environmental Advocates of New York is the state's government watchdog, holding lawmakers and agencies accountable for implementing policy that protects natural resources and safeguards public health. Environmental Advocates works alone and in coalitions, and has more than 7,000 individual and 130 organizational members. The 501(c)(3) is also the New York affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation. For more information call 518.462.5526 or visit