Statement from Environmental Advocates of New York on the State Senate Budget Resolution

Senate Budget Resolution is Good for NY's Environment

ALBANY, NY (03/22/2010)(readMedia)-- Environmental Advocates of New York is pleased to see that the State Senate majority has advanced a sound budget resolution. From restoring the Environmental Protection Fund to $222 million and including a repayment plan for environmental funds that have been raided in past years, to keeping state parks open, the Senate plan is good for New Yorkers and the health of New York's air, land and water. As a general statement of intent, the State Senate resolution provides a good starting point for budget negotiations. Environmental Advocates calls on the Assembly and the Governor to ensure that the final New York State Enacted Budget includes all of these components.


Environmental Advocates of New York's mission is to protect our air, land, water and wildlife and the health of all New Yorkers. Based in Albany, we monitor state government, evaluate proposed laws, and champion policies and practices that will ensure the responsible stewardship of our shared environment. We work to support and strengthen the efforts of New York's environmental community and to make our state a national leader.