JACKSONVILLE, IL (06/07/2013)(readMedia)-- The President of Student Forum shall be elected by the Student Body. For the 2013-2014 academic year, Jasper Brown of Canton, Illinois a graduate of Canton High School will serve in this position. He, with the help of the Vice President, appoints all other Executive Board members. In this role, he is charged with many tasks, such as proposes policy, appoints student all-school committee members, and presides over all Student Forum meetings. Ultimately, he is viewed as the chief executive; thus, he serves as the official representative of Student Forum and the student body to the Administration.
Student Forum functions as Illinois College's student government. This organization functions as the students' the legislative body. In this organization, there are six members representing each class. More specifically, each class has three class officers (President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer) and three representatives. Through diligent efforts, this group has the power to propose policy on behalf of the students of Illinois College by passing legislation. They also review all appointments and decisions the Executive Board makes whenever necessary. Aside from this role, all members serve on one of the following committees: Communications, Finance, Organization Outreach, and Room and Board.
Founded in 1829, Illinois College is a residential liberal arts college fostering academic excellence rooted in opportunities for experiential learning while preparing students for lifelong success.