NEW YORK (04/06/2020) (readMedia)-- Tuesday afternoon, Survivors, Lawmakers and Safe Horizon will hold a press conference call to urge the Legislature to stay in remote session in order to pass the Child Victims Act lookback window extension (S.7082/A.9036). The CVA created a one year window for expired claims which will close on August 14th unless lawmakers extend it. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
The extension is even more important now that COVID-19 has effectively shut down the civil justice system -- curtailing the window to just seven months -- by putting the courts on pause for any non-essential business.
WHO: | Michael Polenberg, VP of Government Relations for Safe Horizon Brian Toale, Survivor Asher Lovy, Survivor Mary Ellen O’Loughlin, Survivor Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal Senator Brad Hoylman |
WHAT: | Survivors, Lawmakers, Advocates call on Legislature to pass Child Victims Act lookback window extension. |
WHEN: | Tuesday April 07, 2020 at 01:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) |
NOTES: | Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 186 003 629 Password: 091693
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