Syracuse Lakefront Development Corporation & Canal Corp : Draft Request for Proposals Available for Comment
30-Day Comment Period Will Allow Public Input on Syracuse Inner Harbor RFP
The Syracuse Lakefront Development Corporation (LDC) and the New York State Canal Corporation (Corporation) today announced the draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of the Syracuse Inner Harbor will be available for public viewing and comment beginning at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, April 3, 2009 until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 2009.
The draft RFP will be posted on LDC's website,, and will also be available in hard copy by contacting the LDC at:
Lakefront Development Corporation; One Dupli Park Drive; PO Box 11456; Syracuse, New York 13218; Phone: (315) 448-2244; Fax: (315) 448-1835; Email:
The draft RFP is being released at this time to solicit public comments on the content of the RFP, not to solicit proposals for development of the properties at the Inner Harbor. At the conclusion of the 30 day public comment period, the LDC and Corporation will review the comments and determine whether the draft RFP should be revised to reflect any comments received. Following revision of the draft RFP, a final RFP will be issued, at that time for the purpose of soliciting development proposals. The final RFP will contain all the referenced appendices.
The scope of the draft RFP alters the framework from the prior RFP issued in 2004, by allowing proposals for either the entire site or for individual parcels. Under the scope of the draft RFP, the land proposed for development at the Syracuse Inner Harbor has been divided into three distinct parcels: A, B, and C. Parcel A consists of approximately 10.4 acres, 7.5 acres (A1) of which is proposed to be sold via a disposition agreement and 2.9 acres (A2) of Canal terminal property, which may only be leased absent approval of special State legislation authorizing a sale. Parcel B consists of approximately 8.8 acres and Parcel C contains approximately 10 acres.
Additionally, when the final RFP is released, proposers will have access to a hybrid Phase 1 environmental site investigation (SI), currently being conducted by consultants to the Canal Corporation. The SI will provide proposers with an understanding of any contamination that may exist on these parcels at the Inner Harbor.
The intention of the final RFP will be to create an attractive multi-use development providing the residents of the City of Syracuse and surrounding communities new opportunities in both commercial and housing options. The successful proposal(s) will be required to incorporate new private development with the existing public recreation and entertainment. The Syracuse Inner Harbor, a 42-acre site, currently holds several successful events throughout year. Proposals received as a result of issuance of the final RFP will help to enhance this success by transforming the harbor into a world class tourism destination in the City of Syracuse, Central New York and the 524-mile New York State Canal System.
Public comments regarding the draft RFP will only be accepted by the LDC through email or in writing. Public comments should be emailed to the LDC at or sent to the above mailing address. Comments sent to any other address or person, and comments received verbally, will not be considered. Comments received after 5:00 p.m. on Monday, May 4, 2009, will not be accepted. The LDC and the Canal Corporation anticipate incorporating relevant comments into the draft RFP and plan to issue the final RFP in May 2009.