Verses and Voices Unite FHU Students and Professors in Poetry Celebration

Freed-Hardeman English majors and faculty came together to celebrate National Poetry Month and the conclusion of the spring semester. The event highlighted the annual poetry contest where computer science major Lou Joseph was awarded first place for his submission, "Mother." His poem poignantly captures the emotional turmoil of leaving Haiti, and adjusting to life in the United States.

Joseph described the motivation behind his winning piece: "I've never been the most articulate person, so it's easy to feel unheard, especially when you've been stripped of your language." His poem reflects on the language and life left behind, a sacrifice made out of necessity. Though his heart remains in Haiti, Joseph now calls an Orlando suburb home.

Following Joseph, students Ella Gehlert and J.T. Moore were also recognized for their impressive submissions. After the winners showcased their poems, students from Professor Neil Segars' Modern Poetry class shared some of their favorite works, adding to the rich tapestry of the day's discussions.

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