WKCTC student and Knott County resident Amy Hawkins is the 2018 Football Spring Registration Kickoff grand prize winner. She won $500 toward 2019 spring tuition! Amy also received a certificate as the grand prize winner from WKCTC President Dr. Anton Reece Thursday, November 29.
The registration kickoff was a fun play on the popularity of the football season and encouraged students to register early for 2019 spring classes. Students who registered early during the month of October had their names entered into a prize drawing. A student's name was drawn each Monday for a prize between October 29 and November 19.
In addition to Amy being the grand prize winner on November 19, other winners included:
Week 1 (October 29) - Kaleb Binder, Talon Falls tickets; Week 2 (November 5) - Brock Burnham, WKCTC bookstore basket; Week 3 (November 12) - Colson Swinford, gas card.
Congrats to Amy and all the winners!
To view these students click here: https://westkentucky.meritpages.com/achievements/WKCTC-s-Football-Spring-Registration-Kickoff-Grand-Prize-Winner/99212