DES MOINES, IA (08/18/2017) (readMedia)-- BETTENDORF, IOWA – The Bettendorf Education Association (BEA) and the Davenport Education Association (DEA) recommend the following candidates for the Bettendorf School Board and the Davenport School Board elections on Tuesday, September 12, 2017:


Andrew Champion, Maxine McEnany and Pepper Trahan


Allison Beck, Rodney Blackwell and Bruce Potts

"The BEA and DEA invited all seven candidates running for the Bettendorf School Board and all six candidates running for the Davenport School Board to panel interviews and an extensive questionnaire," said Toby W. Paone, UniServ Director for the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA). "The panels were made up of association leaders in each school district. Our consensus is that Andrew Champion, Maxine McEnany and Pepper Trahan will serve students, teachers and citizens of the Bettendorf Community School District well as members of the Board of Education, said Paone. "In Davenport, we recommend Allison Beck, Rodney Blackwell and Bruce Potts. They have the beliefs and philosophy to take the Davenport Community School District to the next level," said Paone.

A press conference introducing the BEA-recommended and the DEA-recommended school board candidates will be held on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at 4:30 pm at the ISEA Quad Cities Regional Office, 1035 Lincoln Road, Suite 301, Bettendorf.

The BEA and the DEA are the exclusive bargaining representatives for the teachers and school nurses in the Bettendorf and Davenport Community School Districts, respectively. In Bettendorf, the BEA represents 287 professional-level employees and in Davenport, the DEA represents 1,115 professional-level employees. Both the BEA and the DEA are affiliated with the Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) and the National Education Association (NEA).
