CEO of AmeriCU Credit Union Elected Chair of UsNet

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Mark Pfisterer,

ALBANY, NY (10/19/2009)(readMedia)-- Clinton resident Mark Pfisterer, president/CEO of AmeriCU Credit Union, was recently elected chair of the Universal Sharing Network's (UsNet) board of directors.

Pfisterer has been involved with the credit union movement for over 30 years. He is currently a member of the Credit Union Association of New York's governmental affairs committee, assistant treasurer of the Mohawk Valley Chamber of Commerce and a member of Griffis Landowners Association Board. Pfisterer was also former president of the Leadership Mohawk Valley Board.

"With Mark at the helm, UsNet continues its tradition of strong leadership at the board level," said Marc Inger, COO of Universal Sharing Network.

UsNet (Universal Sharing Network), a CUSO owned by New York credit unions, has provided credit unions with a gateway to the national shared branching network since 1993. They are partnered with the largest network provider, CO-OP Shared Branching, which offers participating credit unions and their members' access to more than 3,700 CU Service Centers across the United States. For more information about UsNet, visit
