Common Cause/NY Statement on Indictment of NYC Mayor Eric Adams

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NEW YORK, NY (09/26/2024) (readMedia)-- Yesterday, The New York Times and others reported that NYC Mayor Eric Adams is expected to be indicted following a federal investigation into corruption within his administration. Following the announcement, Mayor Adams issued a recorded statement in which he baselessly suggested that he was targeted by federal investigators for his criticism of the federal government.

In response, Common Cause New York Executive Director Susan Lerner issued the following statement defending the professionalism of the U.S. Attorney's Office and urging respect for the investigation.

"The SDNY's ongoing commitment to enforcing our anti-corruption laws is a testament to their work irrespective of political influence. U.S. Attorneys have consistently investigated Mayors and Governors for corruption, and this Mayor is no different. Contrary to the implications of his statement, there is no evidence that the Mayor is being investigated for his criticism of the White House or his advocacy on behalf of New Yorkers. Respect for the law has been a cornerstone of this Mayor's tenure - he should show some now."

Regarding any questions about New York's inability committee, the existing New York City law is attached.