Common Cause/NY Statement on Legislative Pay Raises

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NEW YORK, NY (11/15/2016)(readMedia)-- Today the NYS Commission on Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Compensation will release its recommendations. In response, Common Cause/NY Executive Director, Susan Lerner released the following statement.

"The state legislature is in need of a pay raise. New Yorkers deserve the most qualified candidates for public office, and we must and can do better to attract potential candidates to serve. Current lawmakers, some of whom truly struggle to get by on their base salary (particularly those with childcare needs), shouldn't be financially punished for taking a politically unpopular, but correct position.

However, a legislative pay raise should not come without serious reforms to reduce corruption. Common Cause/NY believes that banning outside income, eliminating lulus for "leadership" positions in the legislature, and raising the salaries of legislators is smart, anti-corruption, long-term policy that is long overdue. The Commission should couple any salary increase it supports with clear recommendations for banning outside income and lulus."

In March, Common Cause/NY submitted the following testimony in support of legislative pay raises:

In August, Common Cause/NY circulated the attached editorial board memo explaining the anti-corruption benefits of a pay raise.