Common Cause/NY and Partners to Introduce NYCommons Website

NEW YORK, NY (06/25/2018) (readMedia)-- On Tuesday, Common Cause/New York, Community Development Project, and 596 Acres will introduce the NYCommons website: an interactive tool that shows who controls public assets like parks, libraries, community gardens, how decisions about these public assets are made, and how members of the public can influence these choices.

NYCommons helps communities raise their voices to ensure that local people will continue to enjoy the benefits of shared space for generations to come.


Paula Segal, Attorney, Equitable Neighborhoods Practice, Community Development Project

Susan Lerner, Executive Director of Common Cause/NY


 Webinar Walk-through and Intro to a new mapping and educational tool.

WHEN: Tuesday June 26, 2018 at 11:30AM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
New York

 You can access the webinar at: