Eric Massa To Address Labor's Annual Conference
Area Labor Federation Kicks-Off Grassroots Campaign for Labor’s Endorsed Candidate in the 29th CD
The Western New York Area Labor Federation, representing 120,000 union members.
Eric Massa, Labor’s Recently Endorsed Candidate for the 29th Congressional District.
More than 100 delegates, representing local labor unions from throughout Western New York.
Eric Massa will address the delegates on: Saturday, April 12th 12:00 noon
UAW Region 9 Union Hall 35 George Karl Blvd. Amherst, New York 14221
Earlier this week, the New York State AFL-CIO endorsed Eric Massa’s candidacy for the 29th congressional district. At the conference, the local labor movement will outline its extensive grassroots strategy to elect endorsed candidates, and will hear from Eric Massa. The labor movement represents approximately 56,000 union members in the 29th congressional district.