Family Planning Advocates' Statement on the Defeat of the Marriage Equality Bill in the Senate

ALBANY, NY (12/03/2009)(readMedia)-- "Even as the NYS Senate rejected legislation that would extend marriage equality to all New Yorkers, we witnessed the courage of Senators who stood up for the families of this state," said Family Planning Advocates of New York State President and CEO M. Tracey Brooks.

Despite the defeat, there were signs of hope. "During the debate," she continued, "a number of visionary lawmakers spoke forcefully to make marriage accessible to all. But it is unconscionable that, in 2009, the majority of the NYS Senators cannot muster the will to support committed, same-sex couples seeking to establish families with the legal rights, protections, benefits and responsibilities now extended to married, opposite-sex couples under state law," said Brooks.

FPA looks to the future when the Senate will ban discrimination and establish marriage equality that recognizes the rights of individuals to make private decisions regarding sexuality, relationships and reproduction.

Yesterday's missed opportunity maintains an intolerable inequality in New York State, concluded Brooks.