Fraud, Other Insurance Issues To Be Discussed Nov.10 at HHS Public Meeting in Uniondale

NEW YORK, NY (11/04/2010)(readMedia)-- How can you protect yourself from insurance fraud?

That will be among the topics at a meeting for the public sponsored by Nassau County Health and Human Services starting at noon on Wednesday, Nov.10. The session will be held in Room D-035, Concourse Level, 60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd. in Uniondale.

Three officials of the New York State Insurance Department will be available to meet with Nassau County residents and answer their questions about insurance fraud, as well as other insurance-related issues.

Deputy Superintendent for Community Affairs Ivan Lafayette, Assistant to the Superintendent Joseph Placide and Frauds Bureau Chief Frank Orlando will discuss what consumers should know to avoid being victims of insurance fraud.

The officials will also be available to answer consumers' questions about such issues as federal health care reform, the $250 Medicare rebate, homeowners and renters insurance and what to consider when buying annuities.

Consumers wishing to attend are asked to register by e-mailing victoria.o'

Consumers with questions about insurance issues can obtain additional information on the Insurance Department's website,, or by contacting the Department's Consumer Services Bureau from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday toll-free at 800-342-3736.
