ISEA president tells republican legislators and governor to stop "guesstimating" with Iowa children's future

Revenue Estimating Conference predictions are not an exact science

DES MOINES, IA (05/05/2011)(readMedia)-- In an effort to break through political posturing by Iowa House Republicans and Governor Branstad, Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) President Chris Bern offered them tours of public schools to address legislator's ideas that school district budgets are ample enough to weather a two year funding "guesstimate."

"If it's bad for one year, it's worse for two," said Bern. "Let those making the important decisions affecting the future of our children actually take the time and walk some hallways. They will see there are no bloated budgets and extra seats in the classrooms. How can our schools withstand budget estimates being off by even 5-10 percent?"

The Revenue Estimating Committee (REC), which makes the state's economic projections, is used by legislators as a predictor of revenue coming into the state. Historically, the REC estimates are off the further out it has to predict. The REC has been off by almost 6 percent when looking 18 months into the future.

"No sound business would ever base its sales on a hope and a prayer that money coming in would be close enough to weather any economic swings. Our public schools operate like businesses and, so far, have been squeezed to within an inch of capacity. Another two years of speculative budgeting will do irreparable damage in some school districts and gravely harm others. Iowa's kids deserve a fair break and need sound budgeting, especially when their future depends on it," said Bern.


The ISEA is a professional association made up of nearly 34,000 educators who are dedicated to supporting and protecting a quality public education for all Iowa students. Great Education. It's an Iowa Basic!