Illinois Guard Officer Candidates Leave for Phase I of Training

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SPRINGFIELD, IL (06/03/2011)(readMedia)-- Approximately 45 officer candidates left for Phase I of Officer Candidate School (OCS), June 3 from Camp Lincoln in Springfield, Ill. The group is comprised of candidates from OCS Class 55B, the summer accelerated, and OCS Class 56-11, the traditional, who will train together for two weeks at Camp Ripley, Minn. The summer accelerated class will graduate from OCS Aug. 21, 2011, where the traditional class will graduate next year on Aug. 21, 2012.

"This is the largest group of candidates that has been sent to Phase I in nearly a decade and is due to efforts to recruit within the ranks and great support from the recruiting community with their OCS enlistment option," said Maj. Benjamin Shakman, the 129th Regional Training Institute training officer.

Maj. Gen. Dennis Celletti, the Illinois National Guard Assistant Adjutant General-Army, spoke to the group June 2 at Camp Lincoln. Celletti thanked the candidates for answering the call to become an officer and wished a successful completion of Phase I.

U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Kassidy L. Snyder, Illinois National Guard Public Affairs Office/ Maj. Gen. Dennis Celletti, the Illinois National Guard Assistant Adjutant General- Army, speaks to approximately 45 Soldiers who are preparing to start Phase I of Officer Candidate School. The candidates will spend two weeks at Camp Ripley, Minn.

U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Kassidy L. Snyder, Illinois National Guard Public Affairs Office / Officer candidates listen to Maj. Gen. Dennis Celletti June 2 at the Illinois Military Academy in Springfield, Ill., as they prepare for Phase 1 of Officer Candidate School to Camp Ripley, Minn.

U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Kassidy L. Snyder, Illinois National Guard Public Affairs Office/ Officer Candidate William Troccoli of Ottawa receives guidance and direction from Maj. Benjamin Shakman, the 129th Regional Training Institute training officer, in preparation for departure to Camp Ripley, Minn., June 3. Chaplain Steven Foster was also present to see the group of approximately 45 candidates off for two weeks of training at Phase I of Officer Candidate School.