Jefferson soldier carries on family legacy of service

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FT LEONARD WOOD, MO. (03/07/2022) (readMedia)-- Pvt. Gavan Williams of Jefferson, Maine, graduated from initial active duty training in January after successful completion of Combat Engineer One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

OSUT combines Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training into one demanding 14-week curriculum in a field and classroom environment. The course develops combat engineers in essential basic skills including: basic demolitions, basic explosive hazards, constructing obstacles, fixed bridge building, and operating heavy equipment.

William's father, Alpha, is the current command sergeant major for the 133rd Engineer Battalion in Brunswick.

"I couldn't be more proud of Gavan, and look forward to him carrying on a National Guard family tradition," said Command Sgt. Maj. Williams.

Pvt. Williams carries the family tradition as a fourth-generation member of the Maine Army National Guard.

Williams is now assigned as a combat engineer with the 251st Engineer Company, Norway, ME. The 251st is comprised of highly trained combat engineers who specialize in supporting maneuver units by conducting reconnaissance of bridges and roads, and mine-detection clearing operations with the use of explosives.

Story submitted by 1st Lt. Lucas Bourget