Maplewood native wins anthropology internship at Ohio museum

BELOIT, WI (05/16/2013)(readMedia)-- Maplewood native Ben Mielke, a rising senior at Beloit College, has been awarded the 2013 Kirtlandia Society Research Internship in Physical Anthropology.

As part of the internship, the anthropology major and geology minor will spend eight weeks this summer at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History working with Dr. Yohannes Haile-Selassie, the curator of physical anthropology, on a project called "Morphometric Variation in Hominoid First Metatarsals." Mielke will present his results at the Kirtlandia Society meeting in Cleveland in August.

Beloit College is a residential, liberal arts college offering 40 majors to its 1,250 students. Located 90 miles northwest of Chicago, Beloit is one of the nation's most international colleges, drawing students from 41 nations as well as 49 states.