Melrose Credit Union Recipient of 2011 Hillman Award

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Marc Inger, chief operating officer of UsNet, presents the 2011 Ralph W. Hillman Marketing Award to Robert Nemeroff, director of Marketing

ALBANY, NY (06/20/2011)(readMedia)-- Melrose Credit Union recently received the 2011 Ralph W. Hillman Marketing Award from Universal Sharing Network, Inc. (UsNet).

The award recognizes a participating UsNet credit union for exemplifying the spirit and enthusiasm consistently exhibited by the late Hillman in his support and marketing of credit union's shared branching network.

"Melrose's submission stood-out out from the field of applications received this year for the Hillman Award," said Marc Inger, chief operating officer for UsNet. "The credit union consistently promoted the network to their members during a time in which Melrose experienced significant growth. They proactively marketed the convenience and accessibility of shared branching in order to better serve their members. As a result of their efforts, they increased their issuer volume by 16.3% in 2010 and their acquirer volume by 17.8%."

Hillman served on the board of UsNet for five years and was chairman for nearly two years (2001-2003) before his death. During his board tenure, he tirelessly dedicated

himself to promoting and strengthening the network. It was and is that continued dedication and commitment that makes the network successful for credit unions and members alike.

UsNet (Universal Sharing Network) has provided credit unions with a gateway to the national shared branching network since 1993. They are partnered with the largest network provider, CO-OP Shared Branching, which offers participating credit unions and their members access to more than 4,000 CU Service Centers both nationally and internationally. For more information about UsNet, visit


Photo Caption (l-r): Marc Inger, chief operating officer of UsNet, presents the 2011 Ralph W. Hillman Marketing Award to Robert Nemeroff, director of Marketing & Public Affairs for Melrose Credit Union.