Military Spouse Appreciation Day Honors Those Who Support Service Members

Story by Sgt. Jesse Houk, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

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Donna K. Broderick (left), husband, Sgt. 1st Class Sean P. Broderick, both of Fisher and Kim S. McCreary of Gibson City (right), the FRG treasurer, listen to a brief during a meeting in Champaign.

CHAMPAIGN, IL (05/10/2013)(readMedia)-- Today the U.S. military honors those who do not wear the uniform but who stand beside their servicemembers everyday: military spouses. May 10, Military Spouse Appreciation Day, was established by Ronald Reagan in 1984 and is celebrated the Friday before Mother's Day each year.

Sgt. 1st Class Sean P. Broderick said his wife, Donna K. Broderick, both of Fisher, has proven herself as a spouse who goes above and beyond to make her husband's service to his country possible. Broderick, along with his daughter, Pfc. Kierstin M. Broderick of Urbana both serve in Company B, 634th Brigade Support Battalion in Champaign.

Just four months after they married, Sean deployed to Afghanistan with the 33rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team in 2008. Donna was left to run the house and take care of their now combined five children.

"I thought deployment, from my perspective, was harder on my wife than it was on me," said Broderick.

Despite the family dynamics, deployment and any other stressors, Sean said Donna held the family together while he was overseas.

"She's pretty awesome," said Sean. "For someone who has never dealt with anything like a deployment, she really held it together. I was really impressed with how she held herself together and dealt with everything."

Donna said the family transition and the deployment was difficult at first, but over time she adapted.

"It was hard enough with our family dynamics because we were combining families, trying to find boundaries with the older kids, working, not knowing what (Sean) was getting himself into, especially after what happened in Iraq in 2005," said Donna.

Sean, a purple heart recipient, was injured in a rocket attack during the 2005 deployment that put him in the hospital for several months.

Donna took on even more responsibility when she took charge of the Family Readiness Group (FRG) just five months ago after the previous leader abruptly stepped down.

"The FRG was so helpful while our Soldiers were gone," said Donna. "It's not like being at a normal military base where your neighbors have Soldiers deployed. You're kind of out there on your own."

Although Military Spouse Appreciation Day has been around for nearly three decades, many servicemembers are not aware of its existence.

"I think it's incredible," said 2nd Lt. Anastasia M. Flanagan of Danville, acting commander of Co. B, 634th BSB. "I think military spouses, especially on the Guard side, are often overlooked. I think this is an excellent program to get the word out that as an Army, in the National Guard, we do appreciate our spouses and we do think they are an invaluable members of the team."

Donna has made progress to improve the FRG after only five months in the leadership role.

"I was immediately impressed with how she brings her ideas into the FRG meetings and is working outside of the two hours that we have our meetings," said Flanagan. "She's working toward trying to have our meetings run efficiently and bring new and fresh ideas. That's been incredible."

Donna is just one of hundreds of thousands of military spouses being honored on Military Spouse Appreciation Day. But to one unit, one husband, and five children, she's invaluable.

Photo 1) U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment/ (left to right) Sgt. 1st Class Sean P. Broderick, of Fisher, with Company B, 634th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) in Champaign, his wife, Donna, Family Readiness Group leader for Co. B, and their daughter, Pfc. Kierstin M. Broderick of Urbana with Co. B stand outside the Champaign Armory in Champaign May 5.

U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment/ Donna K. Broderick of Fisher,(left) Family Readiness Group (FRG) Company B, 634th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) in Champaign, husband, Sgt. 1st Class Sean P. Broderick, and Kim S. McCreary of Gibson City (right), the FRG treasurer, listen to a brief during a meeting in Champaign May 5.

Photo 3) U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jesse Houk, 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment/ Donna K. Broderick of Fisher, Family Readiness Group leader of Company B, 634th Brigade Support Battalion in Champaign, discusses plans with Sgt. 1st Class Megan K. Welch, of Hoopeston, readiness noncommissioned officer Co. B, 634 BSB, as Kim S. McCreary of Gibson City, FRG treasurer of Co. B, 634 BSB types notes at the Park Street Armory in Champaign May 5. The FRG met to plan for future events that support the unit.