National Organization for Women-NYS Urges Governor to Speak up and Shine the Light on Monserrate
Statement by Marcia Pappas, President of NOW-NYS
ALBANY, NY (10/21/2009)(readMedia)-- Governor Patterson announced a campaign to "Shine the Light on Domestic Violence" the other day, acknowledging that "there is more progress to be made." Well, yes! And the first light he shines should be on his own party and the criminal conduct of a member of his state's Senate.
State Senate Democrats are meeting to consider the fate of Senator Hiram Monserrate who has been convicted of misdemeanor charges of domestic assault. Governor Paterson has "passed" on the opportunity to shine his light directly on this matter, saying that he doesn't want to get involved in the legislative process. Well, it's not enough to send a message with some aimless purple light ceremony if you aren't prepared to focus the spotlight on the problem, and that means beaming in on holding Senator Monserrate accountable for his actions. Shine the light? You bet. But the most shining action we can take is to bring perpetrators to justice
I know the governor is well-intentioned when he states "We must continue to raise awareness, pass the legislation that better protects victims, hold offenders accountable and make education a central part of prevention." But signing laws that are not worth the paper they are written unless there is enforcement of these laws and justice for the victims. The Governor is the highest elected lawmaker in the State and the brightest light he can shine for the people of NY and for battered women all across this county is to say "enough justice must prevail."